姓名: 骆凯
性别: 男
出生年月: 1990.01
学位: 博士
职称: 讲师
E-mail: [email protected]
2008.09-2012.06: 兰州大学,草地农业科技学院,草业科学,学士学位
(1) 海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,320QN193, MeERF转录因子在木薯水淹胁迫应答中的功能分析,2020/12-2023/12,5万元,在研,主持
(2) 海南省基础与应用基础研究计划(自然科学领域)高层次人才项目, 2019RC052,基于转录组学研究木薯MeMAPK1基因抗细菌性枯萎病的调控机制, 2020/01-2023/12,10万,在研,主持
(1) Zheng L, Wan Q, Wang H, Guo C, Niu X, Zhang X, Zhang R*, Chen Y*, Luo K*. Genome-wide identification and expression of TIFY family in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Front. Plant Sci. 2022, 13:1017840.
(2) Cao M, Zheng L, Li J, Mao Y, Zhang R, Niu X, Geng M, Zhang X, Huang W, Luo K*, Chen Y*. Transcriptomic profiling suggests candidate molecular responses to waterlogging in cassava. PLoS ONE 2022, 21, 17 (1): e0261086.
(3) Zhang R*, Chen D, Liu H, Guo C, Tang L, Wang H, Chen Y, Luo K*. Effect of temperature and water potential on the germination of seeds from three different populations of Bidens pilosa as a potential Cd hyperaccumulator. BMC Plant Biol. 2022, 22(1):487.
(4) Ha J, Gao Y, Zhang R, Li K, Zhang Y, Niu X, Chen X, Luo K*, Chen Y*. Diversity of the bacterial microbiome associated with the endosphere and rhizosphere of different cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genotypes. Front. Microbiol. 2021, 12:729022.
(5) Huang S, Tang Z, Zhao R, Hong Y, Zhu S, Fan R, Ding K, Cao M, Luo K, Geng M*, Jiang L*, Chen Y*. Genome-wide identification of cassava MeRboh genes and functional analysis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. Bioch. 2021, 167: 296-308.
(1) 陈银华, 王红刚, 张瑞, 骆凯, 吴金山, 曹敏, 唐丽. 一种喷雾组件(实用专利), 2018.8.31. 中国 ZL 2020 2 2886796.9