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2013.09—2021.01 中国海洋大学,水产学院,博士(硕博连读)
2018.10—2020.10 西班牙国家自然科学博物馆,生物多样性与进化生物学部,联合培养博士研究生
2009.09—2013.06 中国海洋大学,水产学院,学士
1. 海南昌江核电厂温排水对海域贝类多样性以及常见经济水产动物生物安全性的影响研究。海南省重点研发项目,在研,主持。
2. 海南蜈支洲岛珊瑚礁底栖贝类多样性及宝螺科贝类系统发育研究。海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,在研,主持。
1. Yang, Y., Abalde, S., Afonso, C.L.M., Tenorio, M.J., Puillandre, N., Templado, J., Zardoya, R. (2021). Mitogenomic phylogeny of mud snails of the mostly Atlantic/ Mediterranean genus Tritia (Gastropoda: Nassariidae). Zoologica Scripta, 50: 571-591.
2. Yang, Y., Liu, H., Qi, L., Kong, L., & Li, Q. (2020). Complete mitochondrial genomes of two toxin-accumulated nassariids (Neogastropoda: Nassariidae: Nassarius) and their implication for phylogeny. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 3545.
3. Yang, Y., Li, Q., Kong, L., & Yu, H. (2019). Mitogenomic phylogeny of Nassarius (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda). Zoologica Scripta, 48: 302-312.
4. Yang, Y., Li, Q., Kong, L., & Yu, H. (2018). Comparative mitogenomic analysis reveals cryptic species in Reticunassa festiva (Neogastropoda: Nassariidae). Gene, 662: 88-96.
5. Yang, Y., Qi, L., Kong, L., & Li, Q. (2020). Phylogeography of marine gastropod Reticunassa festiva complex (Nassariidae) in the coast of China. Journal of Shellfish Research, 39: 1-13.
6. Yang, Y., Li, Q., & Kong, L. (2018). Identification of Six Nassarid Snails Using COI-Based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37: 239-244.
7. Chao, Q., Gu, Z., Wang, A., Liu, C.*, & Yang, Y.* (2021). Diversity of Three Small Type’s Giant Clams and Their Associated Endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae at Hainan and Xisha Islands, South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 774925.
8. Li, F., Zheng, J., Ma, Q., Gu, Z., Wang, A., Yang, Y.*, & Liu, C.* (2022). Phylogeny of Strombidae (Gastropoda) Based on Mitochondrial Genomes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 930910.
9. Li, P., Yang, Y.*, Li, Y., & Sun, S. (2018). The complete mitochondrial genome of Glossaulax reiniana (Littorinimorpha: Naticidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 1263-1264.
10. Kong, L., Li, Y., Kocot, K., Yang, Y., Qi, L., Li, Q., & Halanych, K. (2020). Mitogenomics reveals phylogenetic relationships of Arcoida (Mollusca, Bivalvia) and multiple independent expansions in mitochondrial genome size. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 150: 106857.