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2015.9-2019.12 西北农林科技大学 植物病理学 博士
2012.9-2015.7 西北农林科技大学 植物病理学 硕士
2008.9-2012.7 西北农林科技大学 植物保护 学士
2019.12至今 海南大学
1. 中国植物病理学会2019年学术年会优秀报告奖
1. 海南省基础与应用基础研究计划(自然科学领域),青年基金项目(320QN188),香蕉枯萎病菌Foc4中多糖裂解酶PL1家族基因的克隆与表达分析,2020-12-26至2023-12-25,5万元,在研,主持
2. 海南省崖州湾种子实验室,揭榜挂帅项目(B21HJ0905),国家南繁科研育种基地检疫性有害生物的监测,2021-12-31至2024-12-31,400万元,在研,参与
1. Chen Daipeng#, Wang Yang#, Zhou Xiaoying, Wang Yulin, Xu Jin-Rong*. (2014) The Sch9 kinase regulates conidium size, stress responses, and pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. PLos One 9(8): e105811. (IF 3.234)
2. Liu Huiquan, Li Yang, Chen Daipeng, Qi Zhaomei, Wang Qinhu, Wang Jianhua, Jiang Cong and Xu Jin-Rong*. (2017) A-to-I RNA editing is developmentally regulated and generally adaptive for sexual reproduction in Neurospora crassa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: E7756-E7765.(IF 9.504)
3. Wang Qinhu#, Chen Daipeng#, Wu Mengchun, Zhu Jindong, Jiang Cong, Xu Jin-Rong and Liu Huiquan*. (2018) MFS transporters and GABA metabolism are involved in the self-defense against DON in Fusarium graminearum. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:438.(IF 4.106)
4. Chen Daipeng, Wu Chunlan, Hao Chaofeng, Huang Panpan, Liu Huiquan, Bian Zhuyun and Xu Jin-Rong*. (2018) Sexual specific functions of Tub1 beta-tubulins require stage-specific RNA processing and expression in Fusarium graminearum. Environmental Microbiology 20: 4009-4021. (IF 5.147)
5. Wang Huan, Chen Daipeng, Li Chengliang, Tian Neng, Zhang Ju, Xu Jin-Rong and Wang Chenfang*. (2019) Stage-specific functional relationships between Tub1 and Tub2 beta-tubulins in the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 132: 103251.(IF 3.314)
6. Xu Gang, Zhang Xinchun, Liang Xiaofei, Chen Daipeng, Xie Changping, Kang Zhensheng and Zheng Li*. (2022) A novel hexa-segmented dsRNA mycovirus confers hypovirulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola. Environmental Microbiology, 24(9): 4274-4284.
7. Lu Ping, Chen Daipeng, Qi Zhaomei, Wang Haoming, Chen Yitong, Wang Qinhu, Jiang Cong, Xu Jin-Rong and Liu Huiquan*. (2022) Landscape and regulation of alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation in a plant pathogenic fungus. New Phytologist, 235(2):674-689.
8. Wang Yuhua, Zhang Xinchun, Wang Tian, Zhou Siyu, Liang Xiaofei, Xie Changping, Kang Zhensheng, Chen Daipeng*, Zheng Li*. (2022) The small secreted protein FoSsp1 elicits plant defenses and negatively regulates pathogenesis in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc4). Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 873451.
9. 纪晓贝, 梁鹏, 刘文波, 李潇, 陈代朋, 李志刚*,缪卫国*. (2021) 橡胶树白粉菌侵染过程转录组学分析. 植物保护学报 48(06): 1479-1487.
10. 王田, 陈代朋, 高雅, 王渝华, 周思语, 付羽佳, 郑丽*. (2022) 香蕉枯萎病菌效应蛋白研究进展. 农业生物技术学报.