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    2022年07月19日 11:52



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2015-092020-06, 浙江大学, 农业与生物技术学院, 博士, 导师:叶恭银;

2011-092015-06, 华中农业大学, 植物科学技术学院, 学士






1. 海南大学引进人才启动基金,RZ2100003220,马尼拉侧沟茧蜂寄生因子鉴定及其对寄主草地贪夜蛾免疫反应的调控作用,2021-202310万,在研,主持

2. 金沙官网 南繁与热带高效农业协同创新基金,瓜菜重要害虫三叶斑潜蝇寄生蜂资源挖掘与利用,2022-202445万,在研,主持


1. Lei Yang#; Fen Li#; Xin Lü#; Binglin Xing; Xiao Pan; Xueyan Shi; Jun Li*; Shaoying Wu*; Performance of three Trichogramma species as biocontrol agents on Spodoptera frugiperda eggs. Journal of Applied Entomology, 2022, 00, 1–9. (Co-first author)

2. Mujahid Manzoor#; Lei Yang#; Shaoying Wu*; Hamadttu El-Shafie; Muhammad Saleem Haider; Jam Nazeer Ahmad. Feeding preference of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on different date palm cultivars and host biochemical responses to its infestation. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2022, 112(4), 494-501. (Co-first author)

3. Binglin Xing#; Lei Yang#; Ahamaijiang Gulinuer; Fen Li; and Shaoying Wu*. Effect of pupal cold storage on reproductive performance of Microplitis manilae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larval parasitoid of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insects, 2022, 13(5): 449. (Co-first author)

4. Lei Yang#; Liming Qiu; Qi Fang; Shaoying Wu; Gongyin Ye*; A venom protein of ectoparasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae, PvG6PDH, contributes to parasitism by inhibiting host glucose-6-phosphate metabolism. Insect Science, 2021, 0: 1–12.

5. Lei Yang#; Binglin Xing; Fen Li; Li Kui Wang; Linlin Yuan; Amosi Leonard Mbuji; Zhengqiang Peng; Farag Malhat; Shaoying Wu*; Full-length transcriptome analysis of Spodoptera frugiperda larval brain reveals detoxification genes. PeeJ, 2021, 9: e12069.

6. Lei Yang#; Binglin Xing; Likui Wang; Linlin Yuan; Mujahid Manzoor; Fen Li; Shaoying Wu; Identification of serine protease, serine protease homolog and prophenoloxidase genes in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 2021, 24 (4): 1144-1152.

7. Lei Yang#; Liming Qiu; Qi Fang; David W. Stanley; Gongyin Ye*; Cellular and humoral immune interactions between Drosophila and its parasitoids, Insect Science, 2020, 00: 1-20.

8. Lei Yang#; Yi Yang; Mingming Liu; Zhichao Yan; Liming Qiu; Qi Fang; Fang Wang; John H. Werren; Gongyin Ye*; Identification and comparative analysis of venom proteins in a pupal ectoparasitoid, Pachycrepoideus vindemiae, Frontiers in Physiology, 2020, 11: 9.

9. Lei Yang#; Liming Qiu; Qi Fang*; Gongyin Ye; A venom protein, Kazal‐type serine protease inhibitor, of ectoparasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae inhibits the hemolymph melanization of host Drosophila melanogaster, Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2020, 105 (3), e21736.

10. Lei Yang#; Bin Wan#; Beibei Wang; Mingming Liu; Qi Fang; Qisheng Song; Gongyin Ye*; The pupal ectoparasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae regulates cellular and humoral immunity of host Drosophila melanogaster, Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 1282.

11. Lei Yang#; Beibei Wang; Liming Qiu; Bin Wan; Yi Yang; Mingming Liu; Fang Wang; Qi Fang; David W. Stanley; Gongyin Ye*; Functional characterization of a venom protein calreticulin in the ectoparasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae, Insects, 2019, 11 (1): 29.

12. Bin Wan#; Lei Yang#; Jiao Zhang; Liming Qiu; Qi Fang; Hongwei Yao; Marylène Poirié; Jean-Luc Gatti; Gongyin Ye*; The venom of the ectoparasitoid wasp Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) induces apoptosis of Drosophila melanogaster hemocytes, Insects, 2020, 11: 363. (Co-first author)

13. 杨磊#;邵雨;李芬;陈德鑫;李方友*;吴少英*;缨翅目害虫蓟马生物防治的研究进展.中国生物防治学报, 2021, 37 (3): 393-405.

14. 杨磊#;李芬;吴少英*;草地贪夜蛾寄生蜂资源及其调控寄主免疫反应的研究.中国生物防治学报, 2020, 36 (4): 496-506.

15. 杨磊#;方琦;黄佳;叶恭银*;果蝇天然免疫与寄生蜂毒液蛋白对其调控研究进展.浙江农业科学, 2016, 57 (12): 1951-1955.

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