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    2023年11月22日 09:26

一、 18A79个人信息









二、 联系方式


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三、 教育经历




四、 科研与学术工作经历




五、 科研项目

1、 三亚崖州湾科技城管理局“崖州湾”菁英人才科技专项,市厅级,2023.10-2025.0950万元,主持。

2、 海南特色作物科学施肥技术体系创建及应用,横向,2023.11-2026.1038万元,主持。

3、 海南重金属污染修复安全利用技术研究与示范,横向,2023.05-2023.1210万元,主持。

4、 海南省农业农村厅科教处,海南省砷镉复合污染土壤修复与治理研究,市厅级项目,2022.04-2022.1240万元,主持。

5、 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,省基金,321RC1022,热区典型酸性土壤三种氨氧化微生物的生态特征及功能研究,2021.12-2024.98万元,主持。

6、 海南省自然科学基金面上项目,省基金,热带/亚热带典型酸性菜地土壤N2O排放的过程机制研究,2022.04-2025.048万元,主持。

7、 海南省生态环境保护总站,横向项目,矿区砷、镉复合污染修复与治理研究,2021.09-2022.0339万元,主持。

8、 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,41807054,我国南方酸性土壤完全氨氧化微生物多样性及其功能研究,2019.01-2021.1224万元,结题,主持。

9、 海南省农业农村厅科教处,市厅级项目,S000206,东方市受污染耕地修复技术研究与示范,2020.06-2020.1250万元,在研,主持。

10、 东方市农业农村局,横向项目,RH21000000906,《东方市受污染耕地安全利用与pH值提升工作方案》编制,2021.01-2021.128万元,在研,主持。

11、 海南大学科研启动经费,热区典型农业土壤硝化过程及微生物机制,2020.07-2025.0610万元,在研,主持。

12、 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金,32060716,氮素水平和种植密度调控甘薯块根形成的生理生态机制,2021/01-2024/1235,在研,参与。

六、 代表性成果


    (1) Ziting, Zhao; Yanshu Zhang; Ping, Sun; Qing, Wang*; Yunze, Ruan (2022). Effects of biochar and chemical fert ilizer amendment on diazotrophic abundance and community structure in rhizosphere and bulk soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, //doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-20086-4.

    (2) Ping, Sun; Shuxiang, Zhang; Qihua, Wu; Ping, Zhu; Yunze, Ruan; Qing, Wang*(2021). pH and ammonium concentration are dominant predictors of the abundance and community composition of comammox bacteria in long-term fertilized Mollisol. Applied Soil Ecology, 168: 0-104139

    (3) Ping, Sun; Ziting, Zhao; Pingshan, Fan; Wei, Chen; Yunze, Ruan; Qing, Wang* (2021). Ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria are dominant in nitrification of Maize rhizosphere soil following combined application of biochar and chemical fertilizer. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 0-715070.

    (4) Qihua Wu, Shuang Li, Zhongxing Huang, Qing Wang* (2021). Variations in soil bacterial communities and putative functions in a sugarcane soil following five years of chemical fertilization. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 67:727-738.

    (5) Shuang Li, Diwen Chen, Cong Wang, Dan Chen, and Qing Wang* (2020). Reduced nitrification by biochar and/or nitrification inhibitor is closely linked with the abundance of comammox Nitrospira in a highly acidic sugarcane soil. Biology and fertility of soils, 56:1219-1228.

    (6) Qiong Huang, Jianlei Wang, Cong Wang, and Qing Wang* (2019). The 19-years inorganic fertilization increased bacterial diversity and altered bacterial community composition and potential functions in a paddy soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 144:60-67.

    (7) Qing Wang#, Jianlei Wang#, Yuanzheng Li, Diwen Chen, Junhua Ao, Wenling Zhou, Dachun Shen, Qiwei Li, Zhenrui Huang, Yong Jiang* (2018) Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on N2-fixation activity, abundance, and composition of diazotrophic communities in a Chinese fir plantation. Science of the Total Environment, 619:1530-1537.

    (8) Qing Wang, Cong Wang, Weiwei Yu, Ali Turak*, Diwen Chen, Ying Huang, Junhua Ao, Yong Jiang, Zhengrui Huang Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs on soil bacterial abundance, diversity and community composition in Chinese fir plantations. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:1543.

    (9) Qing Wang, Yu-Rong Liu*, Cui-Jing Zhang, Li-Mei Zhang, Li-Li Han, Ju-Pei Shen, and Ji-Zheng He (2017) Responses of soil nitrous oxide production and abundances and composition of associated microbial communities to nitrogen and water amendment. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53(6):601-611.

    (10) Qing Wang, Hang-Wei Hu; Ju-Pei Shen; Shuai Du; Li-Mei Zhang; Ji-Zheng He; Li-Li Han* (2017) Effects of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on N2O emissions and the abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in two contrasting agricultural soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(6):1635-1643.

    (11) Qing Wang, Li-Mei Zhang*, Ju-Pei Shen, Shuai Du, Li-Li Han and Ji-Zheng He* (2016) Nitrogen fertiliser-induced changes in N2O emissions are attributed more to ammonia-oxidising bacteria rather than archaea as revealed using 1-octyne and acetylene inhibitors in two arable soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52(8):1163-1171.



    () 教学及人才培养



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