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一、 个人简介
二、 教育及工作经历
2) “连作蕉园套作豆科绿肥抑制香蕉枯萎病发生的微生物机制研究”,国家自然科学基(41867006),2019-2022,40万。主持。
4) “香蕉园抑病型土壤微生物区系形成机制研究”,科技部2015CB150503,2015-2019,104万。参与。
1) Pineapple-banana rotation reduced the amount of Fusarium xysporum more than maize-banana rotation mainly through modulating fungal communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2015(IF:4.857)第一作者
2)BeibeiWang, JunYuan, JianZhang, ZongzhuanShen, MaoxingZhang, RongLi, YunzeRuan,QirongShen. Effects of novel bioorganic fertilizer produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciensW19 on antagonism of Fusarium wilt of banana. Biology and Fertility of Soils,2013,49,435-446 (IF= 4.926).第一作者
3) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Strain W19 can Promote Growth and Yield and Suppress Fusarium Wilt in Banana Under Greenhouse and Field Conditions Pedosphere, 2016(IF:1.734)第一作者
4)Cathelicidin-derived PR39 protects enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: H7 challenged mice by improving epithelial function and balancing the microbiota in the intestine. Scientific reports, 2019(IF:4.122)通讯作者
5)Shen, Z.,Wang, B., Zhu, J., Hu, H., Tao, C., Ou, Y., ... & Shen, Q. (2019). Lime and ammonium carbonate fumigation coupled with bio‐organic fertilizer application steered banana rhizosphere to assemble a unique microbiome against Panama disease. Microbial Biotechnology, 12(3), 515-527.
6)Shen Z,Wang B, Lv N, et al. Effect of the combination of bio-organic fertiliser with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6 on the control of banana Fusarium wilt disease, crop production and banana rhizosphere culturable microflora[J]. Biocontrol science and technology, 2015, 25(6): 716-731.
7)Shen, Z., Ruan, Y.,Wang, B., Zhong, S., Su, L., Li, R., & Shen, Q. (2015). Effect of biofertilizer for suppressing Fusarium wilt disease of banana as well as enhancing microbial and chemical properties of soil under greenhouse trial. Applied soil ecology, 93, 111-119.
8)Shen, Z., Xue, C., Taylor, P. W., Ou, Y.,Wang, B., Zhao, Y., ... & Shen, Q. (2018). Soil pre-fumigation could effectively improve the disease suppressiveness of biofertilizer to banana Fusarium wilt disease by reshaping the soil microbiome. Biology and fertility of soils, 54(7), 793-806.
9)Shen, Z., Xue, C., Penton, C. R., Thomashow, L. S., Zhang, N.,Wang, B., ... & Shen, Q. (2019). Suppression of banana Panama disease induced by soil microbiome reconstruction through an integrated agricultural strategy. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 128, 164-174.
10)Ou, Y., Penton, C. R., Geisen, S., Shen, Z., Sun, Y., Lv, N., Wang,B., Shen, Q. (2019). Deciphering underlying drivers of disease suppressiveness against pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 2535.
11)Zhang F, Zhu Z,Wang B, et al. Optimization of Trichoderma harzianum T-E5 biomass and determining the degradation sequence of biopolymers by FTIR in solid-state fermentation[J]. Industrial crops and products, 2013, 49: 619-627.
12)Yuan J, Ruan Y,Wang B, et al. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6-enriched bio-organic fertilizer suppressed Fusarium wilt and promoted the growth of banana plants[J]. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2013, 61(16): 3774-3780.
13)Shen, Z., Zhong, S., Wang, Y., Wang, B., Mei, X., Li, R., ... & Shen, Q. (2013). Induced soil microbial suppression of banana fusarium wilt disease using compost and biofertilizers to improve yield and quality. European Journal of Soil Biology, 57, 1-8
14) 一种恢复废弃香蕉园种植香蕉的栽培方式,发明专利。