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    杨 君
    2022年11月11日 16:07



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1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目32460072SlMYB-A转录因子调控脂质合成基因簇参与番茄干旱胁迫应答的分子机理,2025/01/01-2028/12/31 , 32万,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目3210150461,转录因子OsTCP1与染色质重塑因子互作调控水稻干旱应答的分子机理研究,2022/01-2024/1230万,在研,主持;

3. 海南大学科研启动基金,代谢组结合转录组解析水稻种子油脂组分和脂质代谢的分子机理,2020/07-2025/0710万,在研,主持。

4. 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,323RC421OsMYBX调控水稻脂质代谢的分子机理研究,2023/03-2026/28万,在研,主持。





(+/*Co-First author or Co-Correspondence author:)

1. Zhang F, Yang C K, Guo H, Li Y F, Shen S Q, Zhou Q Q, Li C, Wang C, Zhai T, Qu L H, Zhang C, Liu X Q, Luo J, Chen W, Wang S C, Yang J*, Yu C* & Liu Y Y *. Dissecting the genetic basis of UV-B responsive metabolites in rice. Genome biology 2024, 25(1).

2. Zhang Z, Ye W, Li C, Zhou H, Wang C, Liu P, Zhou B, Zhao H, Wang S, Yang J. Volatilomics-Based Discovery of Key Volatiles Affecting Flavor Quality in Tomato. Foods, 2024, 13(6).

3. Cao P #, Yang Jun #,*, Xia L H, Zhang Z H, Wu Z Y, Hao Y C, Liu P H, Wang C, Li C, Yang Jie, Lai J, Li X G, Deng M, Wang S C *. Two gene clusters and their positive regulator SlMYB13 that have undergone domestication-associated negative selection control phenolamide accumulation and drought tolerance in tomato. Molecular Plant, 2024. Apr 1;17(4):579-597. doi: 10.1016/

4. Yang J, Chen R, Wang C, Li C, Ye W, Zhang Z, Wang S. A widely targeted metabolite modificomics strategy for modified metabolites identification in tomato. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2024. Apr;66(4):810-823. doi: 10.1111/

5. Hao Y C+, Xiang L J+, Lai J, Li C, Zhong Y, Ye W Z, Yang J, Yang J*, and Wang S C*. SlERF.H6 mediates the orchestration of ethylene and gibberellin signaling that suppresses bitter‐SGA biosynthesis in tomato. New Phytologist, 2023, doi: 10.1111/nph.19048

6. Zhao X C+, Zhang Y R+, Lai J, Deng Y, Hao Y C, Wang S C*, Yang J*. The SlDOG1 Affect Biosynthesis of Steroidal Glycoalkaloids by Regulating GAME Expression in Tomato. Int J Mol Sci, 2023, 24.

7. Wang S C +,*, Qiang Q+, Xiang L J, Fernie AR *, Yang J *.Targeted approaches to improve tomato fruit taste. Horticulture Research 2022.

8. Guo H+, Lai J+, Li C+, Zhou H H, Wang C, Ye W Z, Zhong Y, Zhao X C, Zhang F, Yang J *, Wang S C *. Comparative metabolomics reveals key determinants in the flavor and nutritional value of coconut by HS-SPME/GC-MS and UHPLC-MS/MS. Metabolites 2022, 12.

9. Zhang Z H+, Zhang F+, Deng Y, Sun L S, Mao M D, Chen R D, Qiang Q, Zhou J J, Long T, Zhao X C, Liu X Q, Wang S C, Yang J*, Luo J*. Integrated Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Analyses Reveal the Metabolic Differences and Molecular Basis of Nutritional Quality in Landraces and Cultivated Rice. Metabolites 2022, 12.

10. Wang S C+, Li Y+, He L Q+, Yang J, Fernie AR, Luo J. Natural variance at the interface of plant primary and specialized metabolism. Curr Opin Plant Biol 2022, 67:102201.

11. Yang J+, Chang Y+, Qin Y H, Chen D J, Zhu T, Peng K Q, Wang H J, Tang N, Li X K, Wang Y S, Liu Y M, Li X H, Xie W B, Xiong L Z. A lamin-like protein OsNMCP1 regulates drought resistance and root growth through chromatin accessibility modulation by interacting with a chromatin remodeler OsSWI3C in rice. New Phytol, 2020, 227, 65-83.

12. Zong W+, Yang J+, Fu J, Xiong L Z. Synergistic regulation of drought-responsive genes by transcription factor OsbZIP23 and histone modification in rice. J Integr Plant Biol, 2019, 62(6):723-729.

13. Ma S Q, Tang N, Li X, Xie Y J, Xiang D H, Fu J, Shen J Q, Yang J, Tu H F, Li X H, Hu H H, Xiong L Z. Reversible histone H2B monoubiquitination fine-tunes abscisic acid signaling and drought response in rice. Mol Plant, 2019, 12: 263-277

14. Zong W, Tang N, Yang J, Peng L, Ma S Q, Xu Y, Li G L, Xiong L Z. Feedback regulation of ABA signaling and biosynthesis by a bZIP transcription factor targets drought-resistance-related genes. Plant Physiol, 2016, 171: 2810-2825



(1) 王守创; 杨君; 郭昊; 毛梦迪; 曹鹏; 邓渊; 陈日东; 赖军; 张越冉 ; 番茄SlERF063基因在促进果实成熟和降低果实毒性中的应用, 2024-1-30, 中国, ZL 2021 1 1584406.5

(2) 熊立仲; 杨君; 覃永华 ; OsNMCP1基因在控制水稻耐旱中的应用, 2021-2-12, 中国, ZL2018 101860720.3

(3) 钱前; 郑晓明; 杨君; 彭友林; 乔继月; 吴比; 周萌萌; 王学强; 郑韶爵 ; 野生稻用集种装置,2023-12-22, 中国, ZL 2023 2 3046501.7

(4) 王守创; 赵学成; 张越冉; 杨君 ; 转录因子SlDOG1在提高植物甾体生物碱含量中的应用, 2023-7-7,中国, ZL 2022 1 1456348.2

(5) 王守创; 郝英辰; 向丽君; 杨君; 赖军; 李淳; 钟越; 叶炜桢 ; SlGA2ox基因在调节番茄有毒生物碱含量上的应用, 2024-2-20, 中国, ZL 2022 1 1598801.3

(6) 王守创; 郝英辰; 向丽君; 杨君 ; 番茄SlERF.H6基因在调控茄碱代谢降低番茄毒性中的应用, 2024-3-8, 中国, ZL 2022 1 1601055.9

(7) 罗杰; 王守创; 杨君; 郭昊; 刘贤青; 龙湍; 孙丽松 ; 一种用于鉴定椰子高矮品种的SNP位点及应用,2022-04-15, 中国, CN202110607720.4

(8) 王守创; 张凤; 杨君; 陈伟 ; 一种来自水稻的OsMYB44基因及其应用, 2024-3-8, 中国, ZL 2023 10014197.3

(9) 王守创; 张凤; 杨君; 陈伟 ; 一种来自水稻的OsUVR8基因及其应用, 2024-3-8, 中国, ZL 2023 10012979.3


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