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    2022年07月20日 12:51



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研究领域: 昆虫功能基因组学与分子生物学










2018.10-2019.03,德国Julius Kühn-Institute, Institute for Biological Control,访问学者




1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31801803,miRNA调控的苹果蠹蛾对颗粒体病毒的抗性机制,201901-202112,24万元,主持,在研

2. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上资助(一等),2015M580155,微小RNA在苹果蠹蛾对CpGV病毒抗性形成中的功能分析,201511-202103,8万元,主持,结题

3. 德国学术交流中心DAAD,Short-Term Grants研究奖学金,57381332,Identification and functional analysis of resistance gene in codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus,201810-201903,8000欧元,主持,结题

4. 深圳市科技创新委员会,科技计划项目基础研究,JCYJ20160530191934833,苹果蠹蛾颗粒体病毒抗性产生中的miRNA调控分析,201702-201902,30万元,主持,结题

5. 大鹏新区经济服务局,产业发展专项资金扶持项目,PT20170308,苹果蠹蛾颗粒体病毒抗性产生中的miRNA调控分析,201702-201902,15万元,主持,结题



1. 1. Xi Yu; Xing Longsheng; ; Qian Wanqiang*; Jehle A. Johannes*; Wan Fanghao*; Gene expression patterns of Cydia pomonella granulovirus in codling moth larvae revealed by RNAseq analysis, Virology, 2021.03. (SCI, IF=2.819, 中科院大类三区)

2. Xing Longsheng; Xi Yu; ; Fan Wei*; Wan Fanghao*; Qian Wanqiang*; The landscape of lncRNAs in Cydia pomonella provides insights into their signatures and potential roles in transcriptional regulation, BMC Genomics, 2021.01. (SCI, IF=3.594, 中科院大类三区)

3. Xi Yu, Pan Penglu, Zhang Chuanxi*; The beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase gene family in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology, 2015.08. (SCI, IF=2.866, 中科院大类二区)

4. Xi Yu; Pan Penglu; Ye Yuxuan; Yu Bing; Xu Haijun*; Zhang Chuanxi*; Chitinase-like gene family in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology, 2014.09. (SCI, IF=2.589, 中科院大类二区)

5. Xi Yu; Pan Penglu; Ye Yuxuan; Yu Bing; Zhang Chuanxi*; Chitin deacetylase family genes in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Insect Molecular Biology, 2014.07. (SCI, IF=2.589, 中科院大类二区)

6. Cheng Ruolin; Xi Yu; ; Zhang Chuanxi*; Brown planthopper Nudivirus DNA integrated in its host genome. Journal of Virology, 2014.02. (SCI, IF=4.439, 中科院大类二区Top)

7. Liu Conghui; Ren Yuwei; ; Xi Yu; ; Qian Wanqiang*; Fan Wei*; Giant African snail genomes provide insights into molluscan whole-genome duplication and aquatic-terrestrial transition, Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020.09. (SCI, IF=6.286, 中科院大类一区Top).

8. Liu Bo†; Yan Jian†; Li Weihua†; Yin Lijuan†; Li Ping†; …; Xi Yu; …; Peng Changlian*, Qian Wanqiang*, Fan Wei*, Wan Fanghao*; Mikania micrantha genome provides insights into the molecular mechanism of rapid growth, Nature Communications, 2020.01. (SCI, IF: 12.121, 中科院大类一区Top)

9. Wan Fanghao†; Yin Chuanlin†; Tang Rui†; Chen Maohua†; Wu Qiang†; Huang Cong†; …; Xi Yu; …; Walters R. James*; Li Fei*; A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cydia pomonella provides insights into chemical ecology and insecticide resistance, Nature Communications, 2019.09. (SCI, IF=12.121, 中科院大类一区Top)

10. Xue Jian†; Zhou Xin†; Zhang Chuanxi*; Yu Lili†; …; Xi Yu; …; Wang Jian*; Wang Jun*; Bao Yanyuan*; Cheng Jiaan*; Genomes of the rice pest brown planthopper and its endosymbionts reveal complex complementary contributions for host adaptation. Genome Biology, 2014.10. (SCI, IF=10.81, 中科院大类一区Top)

11. 席羽; 殷坤山; 唐美君; 肖强*; 浙江茶尺蠖地理种群已分化成为不同种, 昆虫学报, 2014.

12. 席羽; 殷坤山; 肖强*; 不同地理种群茶尺蠖对EoNPV的敏感性差异研究, 茶叶科学, 2011.

13. 鲁莎; 郭建洋; 席羽; 万方浩*; miRNA调控昆虫与病毒互作的研究进展, 生物安全学报, 2018.

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