Email:[email protected]
学生姓名及年级 | 奖项名称 | 奖项级别和获奖次数 | 升学/就业情况 |
贾静静 (2016级) | 国家奖学金 | 国家级 | 入职海南省农业 科学院植物保护 研究所(农产品质量安全与标准研究中心) |
学业奖学金 | 校级;二等两次;三等一次 |
曾 贝 (2018级) | 国家奖学金 | 国家级 | 福建农林大学攻读 博士学位 |
优秀研究生 | 校级 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;一等三次 |
刘雅 (2019级) | 研究生优秀毕业生 | 校级 | 云南大学 攻读博士学位 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;二等三次 |
杨鹤鸣 (2019级) | 学业奖学金 | 校级;一等一次;二等一次;三等一次 | 北京世纪一康医学 研究中心董事长 |
连宇阳 (2020级) | 国家奖学金 | 国家级 | 中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心 攻读博士学位 |
梁希优秀学子奖 | 部级 |
中国大学生自强之星 | 部级 |
科技创新优秀个人 | 校级 |
优秀研究生奖 | 校级;两次 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;一等一次;二等两次 |
研究生优秀毕业生 | 校级 |
优秀硕士毕业论文 | 校级 |
研究生新生奖学金 | 校级 |
李金磊 (2020级) | 学业奖学金 | 校级;二等一次;三等两次 | 入职内蒙开鲁县 农牧局 |
闫三强 (2020级) | 优秀研究生奖 | 校级;一次 | 入职中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 |
优秀硕士毕业论文 | 校级 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;一等一次;二等两次 |
王阿强 (2021级) | 国家奖学金 | 国家级 |
宝钢优秀学生奖 | 部级 |
梁希优秀学子奖 | 部级 |
优秀研究生奖 | 校级;两次 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;一等三次 |
杨叔燕 (2022级) | 研究生新生奖学金 | 校级 |
学业奖学金 | 校级;一等两次 |
[1]Yilin Zhang, Jiaqi Shan, Linlin Zhang, et.al.. Insights to the enhanced photoelectrochemical sensing of Cr(VI) by piezoelectric effect based on ZnO/MoS2 heterojunction nanoarrays: Piezoelectric field-induced II-type to Z-scheme system. Sensors and Actuators: B-Chemical, 2023. 396: 134563. (IF: 8.4,中国科学院1区TOP)
[2]Yandong Xu, Mengxia Guo, Chengjun Ge, et.al.. Cu single atoms/O doping g-C3N4 mediated photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate for ultrafast carbamazepine removal via high 1O2 yield. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 640: 158290. (IF: 6.7,中国科学院1区TOP)
[3]Yuyang Lian, Aqiang Wang, Sihua Peng, et.al.. Potential distribution area projections of Lipaphis erysimi and Eupeodes corollae in the context of climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1019693. (IF: 6.627,中国科学院1区)
[4]Yuyang Lian, Sihua Peng, Xiaofeng Yang, et.al.. The vitellogenin receptor gene is involved in lifespan regulation of Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) after short-term high-temperature treatment. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022, 13:1090348. (IF: 4.755, 中国科学院2区TOP)
[5]Yuyang Lian, Aqiang Wang, Sihua Peng, et.al.. Optimization of Sensors Data Transmission Paths for Pest Monitoring Based on Intelligent Algorithms. Biosensors. 2022, 12(11): 948. (IF: 5.743, 中国科学院2区)
[6]Yuyang Lian, Sihua Peng, Jingjing Jia, et. al.. Function of Vitellogenin receptor gene in reproductive regulation of Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) after short-term high-temperature treatment. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022, 13: 995004. (IF: 4.755, 中国科学院2区TOP)
[7]Aqiang Wang, Sihua Peng, Yuyang Lian, et.al.. Distribution and interaction of the suitable areas of Beauveria bassiana and Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022, 10: 990747. (IF: 4.493, 中国科学院2区)
[8]Sihua Peng, Aqiang Wang, Yuyang Lian, et. al.. Technology for Rapid Detection of Cyromazine Residues in Fruits and Vegetables: Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Sensors. Biosensors. 2022, 12(6): 414. (IF: 5.743, 中国科学院2区)
[9]Bei Zeng, Yuyang Lian, Jingjing Jia, et.al.. Multigenerational Effects of Short-Term High Temperature on the Development and Reproduction of the Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett, 1899). Agriculture. 2022, 12 (7): 954. (IF: 3.408, 中国科学院3区)
[10]Yinggu Wu, Yuyang Lian, Sihua Peng, et. al.. Comparative gnomic-based study of reproduction-related genes in three fruit fly Species. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022, 13: 893695. (IF: 4.772, 中国科学院3区)
[11]Yuyang Lian, Aqiang Wang, Bei Zeng, et. al.. Identification of male and female pupal characteristics of Zeugodacus cucurbitaen (Coquillett) via machine vision. Plos one. 2022, 17(3): e0264227. (IF: 3.752, 中国科学院3区)
[12]Yuyang Lian, AqiangWang, Heming Yang, et. al.. Dynamic expression analysis of Vitelloin-related genes in Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) driven by short-term high-temperature stress. Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology. 2022, 109(4): e21865. (IF: 2.454, 中国科学院3区)
[13]Sihua Peng, Shuyan Yang, Xi Zhang, et. al.. Analysis of imidacloprid residues in mango, cowpea and water samples based on portable molecular imprinting sensors. Plos one. 2021, 16(9): e0257042.(IF: 3.752, 中国科学院3区)
[14]Sihua Peng, Aqiang Wang, Yuyang Lian, et. al.. Smartphone-based molecularly imprinted sensors for rapid detection of thiamethoxam residues and applications. Plos one, 2021, 16(11): e0258508. (IF: 3.752, 中国科学院3区)
[15]Shihao Zhou, Lei Li, Bei Zeng, et. al.. Effects of short-term high-temperature conditions on oviposition and differential gene expression of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae). International Journal of Pest Management. 2020, 66(4): 332-340. (IF: 1.766, 中国科学院4区)
[16]Jingjing Jia, Wenjing Zhu, Yueguan Fu, et. al.. Impact of Warm-temperature Treatments on Six Physiological Metabolism Indices of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet). Southwestern Entomologist. 2019, 44(1):181-187. (IF: 0.426, 中国科学院4区)
[17]Bei Zeng, Wenjing Zhu, Yueguan Fu, et. al.. Response Mechanism of Oviposition and Relevant Protein Expression of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet) to Short-Term High Temperature Conditions. Neotropical Entomology. 2019, 48: 197-206. (IF: 1.65, 中国科学院4区)
[1]一种基于分子印迹传感器的灭蝇胺快速检测方法,中国,授权号:ZL202210397634X (发明专利)