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    2023年11月06日 14:47


姓名: 朱治强













E-mail: [email protected]




2000-092003-07海南大学(原华南热带农业大学), 农学院作物栽培与耕作学(土壤学方向), 硕士




1. 2021.1-迄今 海南大学热带作物学院农业资源与环境系教授

2. 2016.1-2020.12 海南大学热带作物学院农业资源与环境系副教授

3. 2018.8-2019.8 佛罗里达大学土壤学专业进修国家公派访学

4. 2006.8 -2015.12 海南大学农学院农业资源与环境系讲师

5. 2003.6-2006.7  海南大学(原华南热带农业大学), 农学院农业资源与环境系助教



1.国家自然科学基金地区项目, 42067027, 印度梨形孢-王草根际土壤系统中功能菌群与根系分泌物协同介导镉和铬活化的调控机制, 2021-012024-12, 35在研主持.

2.国家自然科学基金地区项目, 41867025, 优势植物-微生物协同修复海南农田土壤的重金属耗竭动态及农艺强化研究, 2019-01-012022-12-31, 40在研主持.

3.国家重点研发计划课题, 2017YFD0202102, “高效施肥技术与新型肥料研究”专题:新型肥料及增效剂研制, 2017-01-012020-12-31, 80结题主持.

4.国家自然科学基金地区项目, 41561074, 植物-微生物联合修复镉-滴滴涕复合污染土壤的根际调控机理研究, 2016-01-012019-12-31, 51.1结题主持.

5.海南省自然科学基金面上项目, 320MS009, 优势植物-微生物协同修复海南重金属污染土壤的根际效应及其强化措施研究, 2020-122023-12, 5在研主持.

6.横向课题, HD-KYH-2021023, 海南省第三次国土调查耕地资源质量分类成果质控项目, 2021-02-012022-12-31, 48.47在研主持.

7.海南省重大项目, ZDKJ2017002-1, “海南农业面源污染减排技术研究与示范”子课题:重金属污染土壤钝化修复研究, 2017-01-012019-12-31, 27结题主持.

8.海南耕地改良关键技术研究与示范专项, HNGDXF2015, 有机肥筛选和施用技术研究与示范推广(四):农作物生物菌肥研制/筛选及配套施用技术推广, 2014-01-012017-12-31, 90结题主持.

9.海南省自然科学基金项目, 314055, 重金属-有机氯农药复合污染土壤植物-微生物联合修复机理研究, 2014-01-012017-12-31, 2结题主持.




1. Dong Li , Xiaoxiao Zheng, Li Lin, Qianli An, Yangqiu Jiao, Qiuli Li, Zhidong Li, Yihong, Kailu Zhang, Can Xie, Jing Yin, Haixiang Zhang, Baijie Wang, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*. Remediation of soils co-contaminated with cadmium and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes by king grass associated with Piriformospora indica: Insights into the regulation of root excretion and reshaping of rhizosphere microbial community structure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422: 126936.

2. Hongwei Zhao, Qiuli Li, Xiaotuo Jin, Dong Li, Zhiqiang Zhu*, and Qing X. L.Chiral enantiomers of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol selectively affect community structure and diversity of soil microorganisms, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 797: 148942.

3. Zhidong Li, Yangqiu Jiao, Jing Yin, Dong Li, Beibei Wang, Kailu Zhang, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Yi Hong, Haixiang Zhang, Can Xie, Yangwengzheng Li, Yali Duan, Yueming Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Yong Liu*. Productivity and quality of banana in response to chemical fertilizer reduction with bio-organic fertilizer: Insight into soil properties and microbial ecology, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 322:107659.

4. Sifan Wang, Yong Liu*, Khalil Kariman , Jialin Li , Huihua Zhang, Fangbai Li, Yinglong Chen, Chongjian Ma, Chuanping Liu, Yuzhen Yuan, Zhiqiang Zhu* and Zed Rengel. Co-Cropping Indian Mustard and Silage Maize for Phytoremediation of a Cadmium-Contaminated Acid Paddy Soil Amended with Peat, Toxics, 2021, 9: 91.

5. Weidong Yang, Dong Li, Zhidong Li, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Yi Hong, Yangqiu Jiao, Lizhen Huang, Xinran Gao, Fengliang Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhu* and Yong Liu. Comparison of Salix Genotypes for Co-Phytofiltration of Iron and Manganese from Simulated Contaminated Groundwater in a Floating Culture System. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 2019, 999:1-7.

6. Yong Liu, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Xiaosong He, Chao Yang, Yingqiong Du, Yongdong Huang, Peng Su, Shan Wang, Xiaoxiao Zheng and Yajuan Xue*. Mechanisms of rice straw biochar effects on phosphorus sorption characteristics of acid upland red soils, Chemosphere, 2018, 207:267-277.

7. Min Zhang, Jie Zhang, Lingli Lu, Zhiqiang Zhu* and Xiaoe Yang*. Functional analysis of CAX2-like transporters isolated from two ecotypes of Sedum alfrediiBiologia Plantarum, 2016, 60(1): 37-47.

8. Zhiqiang Zhu, Xiaoe Yang*, Kai Wang, Huagang Huang, Xincheng Zhang, Hua Fang, Tingqiang Li, A. K. Alva and Zhenli He, Bioremediation of Cd-DDT co-contaminated soil using the Cd-hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii and DDT-degrading microbesJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 235:144-151.

9. 赵凤亮邹刚华 丁哲利吴佩聪 朱治强*香蕉园化肥施用现状、面源污染风险及其养分综合管理措施热带作物学报, 2020, 41(11): 2346-2352.

10. 王岚黄承和陈玉子朱治强*, 常春荣*, 铵硝配比对巴西香蕉生长和氮素营养的影响热带作物学报, 2016, 37(1):26-29.

11. 赵凤亮邹雨坤朱治强*李虹李勤奋*, 施用椰壳生物炭对砖红壤氮素淋失和油麦菜吸收利用的影响华北农学报, 2015, 30(增刊) :1-8.

12. 潘凤娥索龙胡俊鹏王小淇季雅岚罗晨诚何秋香*, 朱治强*生物质炭对砖红壤pH 及养分含量影响研究热带农业科学, 2015, 35(9):25-29.



1. Zheli Ding, Fengliang Zhao , Zhiqiang Zhu, Esmat F. Ali, Sabry M. Shaheen , Jorg Rinklebe, Mamdouh A. Eissa* .Green nanosilica enhanced the salt-tolerance defenses and yield of Williams banana: A field trial for using saline water in low fertile arid soil, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 197: 104843.

2. Qingqing Wang, Qing Huang*, Genmao Guo, Jiemin Qin, Junyi Luo, Zhiqiang Zhu, Yi Hong, Yuxin Xu, Shan Hua, Wen Hu, Chen Yang, Junfeng Wang*. Reducing bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soil and uptake by maize using organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer, Chemosphere, 2020, 261: 128122.

3. Wendan Xiao, Xuezhu Ye , Zhiqiang Zhu, Qi Zhang, Shouping Zhao, De Chen, Na Gao, Jing Hu, Combined effects of rice straw-derived biochar and water management on transformation of chromium and its uptake by rice in contaminated soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 208, 111506.

4. Wendan Xiao, Xuezhu Ye, Zhiqiang Zhu, Qi Zhang, Shouping Zhao, De Chen, Xiaoman Fang, Na Gao, and Jing Hu. Evaluation of cadmium (Cd) transfer from paddy soil to rice (Oryza sativa L.) using DGT in comparison with conventional chemical methods: derivation of models to predict Cd accumulation in rice grains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020: 1-10.

5. Weidong YangFengliang Zhao*, Yuyan Wang, Zheli Ding, Xiaoe Yang, Zhiqiang Zhu. Differences in uptake and accumulation of copper and zinc by Salix clones under flooded versus non-flooded conditions. Chemosphere, 2020, 241:1-11.

6. Weidong Yang, Yang Yang, Zheli Ding*, Xiaoe Yang, Fengliang Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhu. Uptake and accumulation of cadmium in flooded versus non-flooded Salix genotypes: Implications for phytoremediation, Ecological Engineering, 2019, 136:79-8.

7. Donald L. Rockwood*, Martin F. Ellis, Ruliang Liu, Fengliang Zhao, Puhui Ji, Zhiqiang Zhu, Kyle W. Fabbro, Zhenli He and Ronald D.Cave, Short Rotation Eucalypts: Opportunities for Biochar, Forests, 2019, 314(10):1-13.

8. Ming Liu, Yan Ran, Xinxin Peng, Zhiqiang Zhu, Jialiang Liang, Hainan Ai, Hong Li* and Qiang He*. Sustainable modulation of anaerobic malodorous black water:the interactive effect of oxygen-loaded porous material and submerged macrophyte, Water Research, 2019, 160:70-80.

9. Weidong Yang, Fengliang Zhao, Zheli Ding, Yuyan Wang, Xincheng Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu and Xiaoe Yang*. Variation of tolerance and accumulation to excess iron in 24 willow clones: Implications for phytoextraction, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(13):12841291.

10. Weidong YangFengliang Zhao, Zheli Ding, Md. Jahidul Isalm Shohag, YuyanWang, Xincheng Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu and Xiaoe Yang*. Screening of 19 Salix clones in effective phytofiltration potentials of manganese, zinc and copper in pilot-scale wetlands, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(13):12751283.

11. Wendan Xiao, Xuezhu Ye, Xiaoe Yang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Caixia Sun*, Qi Zhang and Ping Xu. Isolation and characterization of chromium(VI)-reducing Bacillus sp. FY1 and Arthrobacter sp. WZ2 and their bioremediation potential, Bioremediation Journal, 2017, 2(1): 1-9.

12.Weidong Yang, Fengliang Zhao, Xincheng Zhang, Zheli Ding, Yuyan Wang, Zhiqiang Zhu* and Xiaoe Yang*. Variations of cadmium tolerance and accumulation among 39 Salix clones: implications for phytoextraction, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73:32633274.

13. Weidong Yang, Zheli Ding, Fengliang Zhao, Yuyan Wang, Xincheng Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu and Xiaoe Yang*. Comparison of manganese tolerance and accumulation among 24 Salix clones in a hydroponic experiment:Application for phytoremediation, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015, 149:1-7.

14.Weidong YangZhiqiang Zhu, Fengliang Zhao, Zheli Ding, Rafiq Muhammad Tariq, Yuyan Wang, Xincheng Zhang and Xiaoe Yang*, Variations of growth, nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen use efficiency among 18 willow clones under two nitrogen regimes, Agroforestry Systems, 2014, 89(1):67-79.

15. Weidong Yang, Yuyan Wang, Fengliang Zhao, Zheli Ding, Xincheng Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu and Xiaoe Yang*, Variation in copper and zinc tolerance and accumulation in 12 willow clones: implications for phytoextraction, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology), 2014, 15(9):788-800.

16. Kai Wang, Xinxin Chen, Zhiqiang Zhu, Huagang Huang, Tingqiang Li* and Xiaoe Yang, Dissipation of available benzo[a]pyrene in aging soil co-contaminated with cadmium and pyrene, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(2):962-971.

17. Huagang Huang, Kai Wang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Tingqiang Li*, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang and D.K. Gupta, Moderate phosphorus application enhances Zn mobility and uptake in hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(5):2844-2853.

18. Xincheng Zhang, Li Lin, Zhiqiang Zhu, Xiaoe Yang*, Yuyan Wang and Qianli An, Colonization and modulation of host growth and metal uptake by endophytic bacteria of Sedum alfredii, International journal of phytoremediation, 2013, 15(1):51-64.

19. Kai Wang, Huagang Huang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Tingqiang Li, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang* and Ashok Alva, Phytoextraction of metals and rhizoremediation of pahs in co-contaminated soil by co-planting of Sedum alfredii with ryegrass (Lolium perenne) or castor (Ricinus communis), International journal of Phytoremediation, 2013, 15(3):283-298.

20. Wendan Xiao, Huan Wang, Tingqiang Li*, Zhiqiang Zhu, Jie Zhang, Zhenli He and Xiaoe Yang, Bioremediation of Cd and carbendazim co-contaminated soil by Cd-hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii associated with carbendazim-degrading bacterial strains, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(1):380-389.

21. Xincheng Zhang, Li Lin, Mingyue Chen, Zhiqiang Zhu, Weidong Yang, Bao Chen and Xiaoe Yang*, Qianli An, A nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain enhances phytoextraction of heavy metals by thehyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 229:361-370.

22. Kai Wang, Zhiqiang, Zhu, Huagang Huang, Tingqiang Li, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang* and Ashok Alva, Interactive effects of Cd and PAHs on contaminants removal from co-contaminated soil planted with hyperaccumulator plant Sedum alfredii, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2012, 12(4):556-564.

23. Kai Wang, Jie ZhangZhiqiang Zhu, Huagang Huang, Tingqiang Li *, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang and Ashok Alva, Pig manure vermicompost (PMVC) can improve phytoremediation of Cd and PAHs co-contaminated soil by Sedum alfredii, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2012, 12(7):1089-1099.

24. Zhiqiang Zhu, Xiaoe Yang*, Tingqiang Li, Huagang Huang, Kai Wang, Effect of intercropping  of Cd-hyperaccumulator with low-Cd-accumulator on Cd and DDT removal from the combined polluted soil, International Symposium on Ecological Remediation of Environmental Pollution and Bioenergy Exploitation, 2010.10.9 -2010.10.11.

25. 韦增辉潘运舟王雨阳吴治澎朱治强吴蔚东*, 不同原料商品有机肥对土壤肥力性状及冬瓜产量的影响热带作物学报, 2019, 40(2):232-237.

26. 赵文潘运舟兰天吴治澎张玲玲朱治强吴蔚东*, 海南商品有机肥中重金属和抗生素含量状况与分析环境化学, 2017(2)408-419.

27. 张家玮潘运舟朱治强吴蔚东*, 有机肥对溶液中铅铜的吸附江苏农业科学, 2017, 45(8):282-286.

28. 潘运舟兰天赵文张家玮张玲玲刘源朱治强吴蔚东*, 海南省商品有机肥的组成与养分状况研究西南农业学报, 2017, 30(4):853-860.

29. 兰天楚颖超张玲玲赵文潘运舟张家玮朱治强吴蔚东*, 椰衣和椰壳生物质炭的制备及其对溶液中Pb2+的吸附浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2016, 42(4):469-477.

30. 张玲玲兰天朱治强吴蔚东*, 海南热带砖红壤有机组分对植胶与橡胶连作的响应热带生物学报, 2016, 7(2):204-210.



1. 朱治强, 焦阳秋, 尹静, 李栋.一种适用于芒果节肥增效的全生育期组合施肥方法, 2022.3.29, ZL 202010964234.3, 授权.

2. 朱治强张海祥张楷露, 李栋段亚丽, 谢璨李杨文正.一种根系分泌物原位采集装置, 2022.3.4, ZL 202110619533.8, 授权.

3. 朱治强张楷露张海祥段亚丽 , 李杨文正王柏洁 , 罗嘉良孙晓燕刘帆.一种根系分泌物收集装置, 2021.6.7, ZL.202121272462.0, 授权.

4. 朱治强李治东李栋郑潇潇. 一种土壤通气培养装置, 2020.11.6, ZL 202020191338.0, 授权.

5. 朱治强李栋郑潇潇. 一种植物根系分泌物原位收集实验装置, 2019.7.26, ZL 201920491468.3, 授权.

6. 朱治强李栋郑潇潇.一种植物根际和非根际土壤采集装置, 2019.7.26, ZL 201920499342.0, 授权.

7. 朱治强谢璨李栋洪怡.一种重金属在污染土壤中迁移模拟的土壤淋洗装置, 2021.3.16, ZL 212722880U, 授权.

8. 杨肖娥黄化刚李廷强朱治强王凯. 利用超积累植物持续提取农田土壤锌的方法, 2011.4.27, 201010298902.X, 授权.



1. 专业教学




2. 教改项目

(1) 朱治强海南省高等学校教育教学改革研究一般项目“基于微课的环境影响评价课程“翻转课堂”教学模式研究” , 2017.1-2019.12, 结题.

(2) 朱治强海南省高等学校教育教学改革研究重点项目“环境类”课程“产---用”校企合作教育基地建设模式的创新与实践2021.1-2023.12在研.

3. 教改论文

(1) 汤水荣朱治强*. 基于微课的“翻转课堂”模式在环评教学中的应用科技资讯, 2019, 17 (17): 104-107.

(2) 汤水荣常春荣朱治强*. 翻转课堂在资环类专业中的应用: 优势、挑战与展望科技创新导报, 2019, 16(15): 203-206.

(3) 朱治强常春荣. 海南国际旅游岛背景下环境影响评价课程教学改革初探科技文汇, 2015, 28:64-65.



1. 杨肖娥李廷强魏树和孙建光方华宋玉芳彭红云徐晶张倩茹卢玲丽朱治强黄化刚王凯典型重金属与POPs复合污染土壤修复关键技术及应用教育部科技成果完成者证书成果登记号:360-12-21010557-11, 2012.

2. 林电朱治强陈业渊程宁宁魏守兴杨苞梅香蕉养分积累规律及配方施肥综合技术研究海南省科技进步三等奖证书编号:2007-J-3-R-191, 2007.



1. 获得海南省高层次人才领军人才称号, 2020.

2. 担任国内外主流期刊的审稿专家2019年被《农业环境科学学报》编辑部评为优秀审稿人.

3. 推动海南大学入选“国家生物炭科技创新联盟”副理事长单位.

4. 担任海南省土壤肥料学会常务理事兼副秘书长.

5. 担任国家自然科学基金委项目通讯评审专家.

6. 担任中国植物营养与肥料学会青年工作委员会委员.

7. 入选海南省科技特派员.

8. 入选海南省知识产权局专家库第一批拟入库专家名单.


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