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    郑 丽
    2022年11月11日 16:55



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1.2015.7-2017.12 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室 植物免疫研究团队 博士后 合作导师:康振生院士

2.2010.9-2015.6 华南农业大学 农学院 植物保护专业硕博连读 导师:周而勋教授

3.2012.9-2013.9 华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院联合培养 导师:姜道宏教授

4.2006.9-2010.6 海南大学 园艺专业 学士


1. 2023.1-至今 金沙官网 教授

2. 2018.5-2022.12 海南大学植物保护学院 副教授

3. 2015.7-2017.12 西北农林科技大学 旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室 博士后








5.海南省重点研发计划项目,ZDYF2019143,抗癌中药材温郁金叶枯病菌中真菌病毒的种类及弱毒病毒生物防治效果研究, 2019/04-2021/0441.0万元,结题,主持

6.海南大学协同创新中心科研项目,XTCX2022NYB10,香蕉枯萎病绿色防控技术研究,2023/05-2025/08, 120.0万元,在研,主持


8.国家重点实验室开放性课题资助计划,CSBAA2019010,小麦条锈病菌中真菌病毒PsV5基因组的编码方式及其编码蛋白功能研究,2019/01- 2020/128.0万元,结题,主持

9.海南大学世界一流学科建设经费项目和成果培育专项课题,RZZX201911, 温郁金叶枯病菌中真菌病毒及其与寄主互作的分子机制研究,2019/01-2021/12 20.0万元,结题,主持



四、代表性成果 近年来以第1作者或通讯作者发表的论文

1. Zhang Yanhui, Liang Xiaofei, Zhao Mengxin, Qi Tuo, Guo Hualong, Zhao Jing, Zhao Jie, Zhan Gangming, Kang Zhensheng*, Zheng Li*. A novel ambigrammatic mycovirus, PsV5, works hand in glove with wheat stripe rust fungus to facilitate infection. Plant communications, 2023, 4: e100505.

2.Wang Tian, Xu Yun, Zhao Yang, Liang Xiaofei, Liu Shuang, Zhang Yufang, Kang Zhensheng, Chen Daipeng*, Zheng Li*. Systemic screening of Fusarium oxysporum candidate effectors reveals FoSSP17 that suppresses plant immunity and contributes to virulence. Phytopathology Research, 2023, 5: 42.

3. Xu Gang, Zhang Xinchun, Liang Xiaofei, Chen Daipeng, Xie Changping, Kang Zhensheng, Zheng Li*. A novel hexa-segmented dsRNA mycovirus confers hypovirulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola. Environmental Microbiology, 2022.

4. Wang Yuhua, Zhang Xinchun, Wang Tian, Zhou Siyu, Liang Xiaofei, Xie Changping, Kang Zhensheng, Chen Daipeng*, Zheng Li*. The small secreted protein FoSsp1 elicits plant defenses and negatively regulates pathogenesis in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc4). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13.

5.Zhou Jia*, Wang Yuhua, Liang Xiaofei, Xie Changping, Liu Wenbo, Miao Weiguo, Kang Zhensheng, Zheng Li#. Molecular Characterization of a Novel Ourmia-Like Virus Infecting Phoma matteucciicola. Viruses-Basel, 2020, 12: 231.

6. Zhou Jia*, Hu Xiaochuan, Liang Xiaofei, Wang Yuhua, Xie Changping, Zheng Li#. Complete genome sequence of a novel mycovirus from Phoma matteucciicola. Archives of Virology, 2021, 166, 317-320.

7. Zheng Fan*, Xu Gang, Zhou Jia, Xie Changping, Cui Hongguang, Miao Weiguo, Kang Zhensheng, Zheng Li#. Complete genomic sequence and organization of a novel mycovirus from Phoma matteuciicola strain LG915. Archives of Virology, 2019,164: 2209-2213.

8.Zheng Li*, Shu Canwei, Zhang Meiling, Yang Mei, Zhou Erxun#. Molecular Characterization of a Novel Endornavirus Conferring Hypovirulence in Rice Sheath Blight Fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA Strain GD-2. Viruses-Basel, 2019, 11 (2), 178.

9.Zheng Li*, Zhao Jing, Liang Xiaofei, Zhuang Hua, Qi Tuo, Kang Zhensheng#. Complete genome sequence of a novel mitovirus from the wheat stripe rust fungus Puccinia striiformis. Archives of Virology, 2019, 164: 897-901.

10.Zheng Li*, Liu Chen, Zhang Meiling, Yang Mei, Zhou Erxun#. Diversity of dsRNA viruses infecting rice sheath blight fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA. Rice Science, 2018, 25: 57–60.

11.Zheng Li*, Lu Xia, Liang Xiaofei, Jiang Shuchang, Zhao Jing, Zhan Gangming, Liu  Peng, Wu Jianhui, Kang Zhensheng#. Molecular characterization of novel totivirus-like double-stranded RNAs from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of wheat stripe rust. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8:1960.

12.Zheng Li*, Zhao Jie, Liang Xiaofei, Zhan Gangming, Jiang Shuchang, Kang Zhensheng#. Identification of a novel Alternaria alternata strain able to hyperparasitize Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of wheat stripe rust. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 71.

13. Zheng Li*Zhang MeilingChen Qiguang; Zhu Minghai, Zhou Erxun#. A novel mycovirus closely related to viruses in the genus Alphapartitivirus confers hypovirulence in the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Virology, 2014, 220: 456-457.

14.Zheng Li*, Liu Huiquan, Zhang Meiling, Cao Xiong, Zhou Erxun#. The complete genomic sequence of a novel mycovirus from Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA strain B275. Archives of Virology, 2013, 158: 1609-1612.
14.Zheng Li*, Liu Huiquan, Zhang Meiling, Cao Xiong, Zhou Erxun # . The complete genomic sequence of a novel mycovirus fromRhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA strain B275. Archives of Virology, 2013, 158: 1609-1612.

15.王田, 陈代朋, 高雅, 王渝华, 周思语, 付羽佳, 郑丽*,香蕉枯萎病菌效应蛋白研究进展. 农业生物技术学报,2022, 30: 1614-1621.

16.王田,符俐盈,赵阳,刘爽,张玉芳,陈代朋*,郑丽*. 香蕉枯萎病菌候选效应蛋白FoSSP20的鉴定和功能初探. 热带生物学报,2023.

17.一种温郁金组织培养的方法. 郑丽,谢昌平,周佳,徐刚,王渝华,仇芳,李希;发明专利,2021.04.20;中国;ZL201910940728.5.

18.一种增强生防贝莱斯芽孢杆菌根际定殖和防效的多功能复合菌剂的开发和应用. 李鹏,曹秀兰,郑丽;发明专利,2022.09.30;中国;ZL202211218878.3.

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