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夏薇(4/6),“基于多维组学的椰子高盐低温胁迫的应答机理” 海南省自然科学奖二等奖,2024
1. 海南省国际科技合作研发项目,GHYF2024020,2024.02-2027.02,椰子纯合种苗制备的小孢子培养体系构建与应用,90万,在研,主持;
3. 2022年“崖州湾”菁英人才科技专项,SCKJ-JYRC-2022-91,调控椰子童期长短关键基因区段解析和分子标记开发,2022.07-2024.07,60万元,在研,主持;
4. 海南省崖州湾种子实验室揭榜挂帅项目,B21HJ0903,椰子重要农艺性状遗传基础解析及新种质资源创制,2022.01-2026.12,1000万元,在研,参与;
5. 海南省基础与应用基础研究计划(自然科学领域)高层次人才项目,2019RC157,2020.01-2022.12, 10万元,在研,主持;
7.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 31301358,油棕低温响应miRNA的筛选及其功能分析,2014.01-2016.12,25万,结题,主持;
1. Panhwar, S.A. #; Wang, Dandan #; Lin, Fanghui #; Wang, Ying; Liu, Mengli; Chen, Runan; Huang, Yonglan; Wu, Wenqiang; Huang, Dongyi*; Xiao, Yong*; Xia, Wei*. Characterization of active transposable elements and their new insertions in tuber propagated greater yam (Dioscorea alata). BMC Genomics (2024), 25, 864.
2. Rehman, S., Bahadur, S*., Xia, Wei*. Unlocking Nature's Secrets: The Pivotal Role of WRKY Transcription Factors in Plant Flowering and Fruit Development. Plant Science 2024, 112150.
3. Dai, Y., Wang, Y., Zeng, L., Jia, R., He, L., Huang, X., Zhao, H., Liu, D., Hu, S., Gao, L., Guo, A., Xia, Wei*, Ji, Changmian*, (2023) Genomic and Transcriptomic Insights into the Evolution and Divergence of MIKC-Type MADS-Box Genes in Carica papaya. Int J Mol Sci 24.
4. Hong, Yuhui#; Xiao, Yong#; Song Na#; Zhu, Shousong; Zhao Rui; Li Ke; Geng Mengting; Yu Xiaohui; Wang Honggang; Xia, Wei*; Chen, Yinhua*. Identification and characterization of MeERF genes and their targets in pathogen response by cassava (Manihot esculenta). The Crop Journal 2021, 9(5):1145-1153.
5. Yang, Yaodong#, Bocs, Stéphanie#, Fan, Haikuo#, Armero, Alix#, Baudouin, Luc#, Xu, Pengwei#, Xu, Junyang, This, Dominique, Hamelin, Chantal, Iqbal, Amjad, Qadri, Rashad, Zhou, Lixia, Li, Jing, Wu, Yi, Ma, Zilong, Issali, Auguste Emmanuel, Rivallan, Ronan, Liu, Na, Xia, Wei*, Peng, Ming*, Xiao, Yong*. Coconut genome assembly enables evolutionary analysis of palms and highlights signaling pathways involved in salt tolerance. Communications Biology 2021, 4(1):105.2.
6. Wang S#; Xiao Y#; Zhou Z#; Yuan J#, Guo H#, Yang Z, Yang J, Sun P, Sun L, Deng Y, Xie W, Song J, Qamar M, Xia W, Liu R, Gong S, Wang Y, Wang F, Liu X, Fernie A, Wang X*; Fan H*; Chen L*; Luo J*.(2021) High-quality reference genome sequences of two coconut cultivars provide insights into evolution of monocot chromosomes and differentiation of fiber content and plant height. Genome Biology, 2021, 22: 304.
7. Dou, Yajing#; Xia, Wei#; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Sun, Xiwei; Fan, Haikuo; Xiao, Yong*. Developing functional markers for vitamin E biosynthesis in oil palm. PLoS One 2021, 16(11).
8. Xia, Wei#, Liu, Rui#, Zhang, Jun#, Mason, Annaliese S., Li, Zhiying, Gong, Shufang, Zhong, Yazhu, Dou, Yajing, Sun, Xiwei, Fan, Haikuo*, Yong, Xiao*: Alternative splicing of flowering time gene FT is associated with halving of time to flowering in coconut. Scientific Reports 2020, 10(1):11640.
9. Luo, Tingting#, Xia, Wei#, Gong, Shufang#, Mason, Annaliese S, Li, Zbiying, Liu, Rui, Dou, Yajing, Tang, Wenqi, Fan, Haikuo*, Zhang, Chuyu, Xiao, Yong*: Identifying vitamin E biosynthesis genes in Elaeis guineensis by genome-wide association study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68(2):678-685.
10. Xia, Wei#, Dou, Yajing#, Liu, Rui, Gong, Shufang, Huang, Dongyi, Fan, Haikuo*, Xiao, Yong*. Genome-wide discovery and characterization of long noncoding RNAs in African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). PeerJ 2020, 8:e9585.
11. Xia, Wei#; Luo, Tingting#; Dou, Yajing#; Zhang, Wei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Huang, Xiaolong; Tang, Wenqi; Wang, Jihua*; Zhang, Chunyu; Xiao, Yong*. Development of high-density SNP markers and their application in evaluating genetic diversity and population structure in Elaeis guineensis. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, 10, 130. (*Corresponding author)
12. Xia, Wei#; Luo, Tingting#; Zhang, Wei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Huang, Xiaolong; Tang, Wenqi; Dou, Yajing; Zhang, Chunyu; Xiao, Yong*. Identification and validation of candidate genes involved in fatty acid content in oil palm by genome-wide association analysis. Frontier in Plant Sciences 2019, 10, 1263.
13. Xia, Wei#*; Zhang, Bo#; Xing, Dan; Li, Ying; Wu, Wenqiang; Xiao, Yong; Sun, Jinhua; Dou, Yajing; Tang, Wenqi; Zhang, Jinlan; Huang, Xiaolong; Xu, Yun; Xie, Jun; Wang, Jihua; Huang, Dongyi*. Development of high-resolution DNA barcodes for Dioscorea species discrimination and phylogenetic analysis. Ecology and Evolution 2019, 9(18), 10843-10853.
14. Xiao, Yong; Xia, Wei*; Mason, Annaliese S.; Cao, Zengying; Fan, Haikuo; Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Jinlan; Ma, Zilong; Peng, Ming; Huang, Dongyi. Genetic control of fatty acid composition in coconut (Cocos nucifera), African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). Planta 2019, 249(2), 333-350.
15. Xiao, Yong#*; Zhou Lixia#, Lei Xintao, Cao Hongxin, Wang Yong, Dou Yajing, Tang Wenqi, Xia, Wei*. Genome-wide identification of WRKY genes and their expression profiles under different abiotic stresses in Elaeis guineensis. PLoS One 2017, 12(12):e0189224.
16. Xiao, Yong#*; Xia, Wei#; Ma, Jianwei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Fan, Haikuo; Shi, Peng; Lei, Xintao; Mao, Zilong; Peng, Ming. Genome-wide identification and transferability of microsatellite markers between palmae species. Frontier in Plant Sciences 2016, 7, 157.
17. Xiao, Xiaorong#; Hong, Yuhui#; Xia, Wei#; Feng, Shipeng; Zhou, Xi; Fu, Xiumei; Zang, Jian; Xiao, Yong; Niu, Xiaolei; Li, Chunxia*; Chen, Yinhua*. Transcriptome Analysis of Ceriops tagal in Saline Environments Using RNA-Sequencing. PLoS One 2016, 11(12):e0167551.
18. Wu W, Chen C, Zhang Q, Ahmed JZ, Xu Y, Huang X, Xie J, Xia W, Huang D*: A comparative assessment of diversity of greater yam (Dioscorea alata) in China. Scientia Horticulturae 2019, 243:116-124.
19. Xiao Y, Zhou L, Lei X, Cao H, Wang Y, Dou Y, Tang W, Xia W*: Genome-wide identification of WRKY genes and their expression profiles under different abiotic stresses in Elaeis guineensis. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(12):e0189224.
20. Xiao Y, Xu P, Fan H, Baudouin L, Xia W, Bocs S, Xu J, Li Q, Guo A, Zhou L et al: The genome draft of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Gigascience 2017, 6(11):1-11.
21. Liu L, Huang Y, Huang X, Yang J, Wu W, Xu Y, Cong Z, Xie J, Xia W, Huang D*: Characterization of the dioscorin gene family in Dioscorea alata reveals a role in tuber development and environmental response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017, 18(7):1579.
22.Xiao Y#, Xia W#, Ma J, Mason AS, Fan H, Shi P, Lei X, Ma Z, Peng M: Genome-wide Identification and transferability of microsatellite markers between palmae species. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7.
23.Xiao X#, Hong Y#, Xia W#, Feng S, Zhou X, Fu X, Zang J, Xiao Y, Niu X, Li C et al: Transcriptome analysis of Ceriops tagal in saline environments using RNA-sequencing. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(12):e0167551.