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    2022年07月22日 09:13



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2014.09-2016.05,美国田纳西大学,联合培养博士,导师:Feng Chen 教授










Associate editor:Horticulture Research, Ornamental Plant Research

Editorial Board member:Horticultural Plant Journal, BMC Genomics

Review editor:Frontiers in Genetics




1. 2019,南京农业大学,年度考核优秀;

2. 2016年,福建农林大学基因组中心,年度考核优秀;

3. 2019年,参与获得浙江省林业局林学会第十九届科技兴林奖,二等,荷花和睡莲新品种选育及园林应用技术。







    (41) Dong S, Liu M, Liu Y, Chen F, Yang T, Chen L, Zhang X, Guo X, Fang D, Li L, Deng T, Yao Z, Lang X, Gong Y, Wu E, Wang Y, Shen Y, Gong X, Liu H, ZHang S. The genome of Magnolia biondii Pamp. provides insights into the evolution of Magnoliales and biosynthesis of terpenoids. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8:38

    (40) Wang X, Gao Y, Wu X, Wen X, Li D, Zhou H, Li Z, Liu B, Wei J, Chen F, Chen F, Zhang C, Zhang L, Xia Y. High‐quality evergreen azalea genome reveals tandem duplication‐facilitated low‐altitude adaptability and floral scent evolution. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2021, 19:2544-2560.

    (39) Lei X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Chen H, Zou Z, Ma Y, Chen F*, Fang W*. TeaPGDB: Tea Plant Genome Database. Beverage Plant Research. 2021, 1:5.

    (38) Wang Y#, Chen F#*, Ma Y, Zhang T, Sun P, Lan M, Li F, Fang W*. An      ancient whole-genome duplication event and its contribution to flavor compounds      in the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Horticulture Research 2021, 8:176.

    (37) Chen F, Su L, Hu S, Xue J, Liu H, Liu G, Jiang Y, Du J, Qiao Y, Fan Y, Liu      H, Yang Q, Lu W, Shao Z, Zhang J, Zhang L, Chen F, Cheng Z. A chromosome-level genome assembly of rugged rose (Rosa rugosa) provides insights into its evolution, ecology, nd floral characteristics. Horticulture Research 2021, 8: 141.


    (36) Xue J, Dong S, Wang M, Song T, Zhou G, Li Z, Van de Peer Y, Shao Z, Wang W, Chen M, Zhang Y, Sun X, Chen H, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Chen F, Zhang L, Cox C, Liu Y*, Wang Q, Hang Y. Mitochondrial genes from 18 angiosperms fill sampling gaps for phylogenomic inferences of the early diversification of flowering plants Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2020

    (35) Chang X, Xie S, Wei L, Lu Z, Chen Z, Chen F, Lai Z, Lin Z, Zhang L*. Origins and stepwise expansion of R2R3-MYB transcription factors for the terrestrial adaptation of plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 2000, 11.

    (34) Li Y, Liu G, Ma L, Liu T, Zhang C, Xiao D, Zheng H, Chen F, Hou X*. A chromosome-level reference genome of non-heading Chinese cabbage [Brassica campestris (syn. Brassica rapa) ssp. chinensis] 2020, 7:212.

    (33) Chen, Xuequn; Tong, Chaobo ; Zhang, Xingtan; Dong, Wei; Hu, Ming; Song, Aixia; Chen, Fei; Wang, Youping; Tu, Jinxing; Liu, Shengyi; Tang, Haibao; Zhang, Liangsheng A high-quality Brassica napus genome reveals expansion of transposable elements, subgenome evolution and disease resistance. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2020, 19(3):615-630.

    (32) Zhang L#*, Wu S#, Chang X, Wang X, Zhao Y, Xia Y, Trigiano RN, Jiao Y*, Chen F*. The ancient wave of polyploidization events in flowering plants and their facilitated adaptation to environmental stress. Plant, Cell & Environment 2020.

    (31) Tang H, Zhang L, Chen F, Zhang X, Chen F, Ma H, Van de Peer Y. Nymphaea colorata (Blue-Petal Water lily). Trends in Genetics 2020.

    (30) Cover story: Lan Mo, Junhao Chen, Chen F, Qiangwei Xu, Zaikang Tong, Huahong Huang, Renhui Dong, Xiongzhen Lou, Erpei Lin*Induction and characterization of polyploids from seeds of Rhododendron fortune Lindl. . Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2020, 19(2-12).

    (29) Zhang L.*, Shen F, Chen F, Lin Z. Origin and evolution of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Clinical Infectious Diseases ciaa112(2020).


    (28) Zhang L.#*, Chen F#, Zhang X#, et al. The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature 577, 79-84(2020). ESI highly cited paper

    ######This article is highlighted by: Lyu, J. Encoding beauty. Nature Plants (2020). //doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0587-5

    (27) Chen F*, Song Y, Li X, Chen J, Mo L, Zhang X, Lin Z, Zhang L*. Genome      sequences of horticultural plants: past, present, and future. Horticulture Research 2019, 6:112.

    (26) Chen F, Chen J, Wang Z, Zhang J, Lin M, Song Y, Zhang L. Genomics:      cracking the mysteries of walnuts. Journal of Genetics 2019, 98:33.


    (25) Yang X, Yue Y, Li H, Ding W, Chen G, Shi T, Chen J, Park MS*, Chen F*,      Wang L*. The chromosome-level quality genome provides insights into the evolution of the biosynthesis genes for aroma compounds of Osmanthus fragrans. Horticulture Research 2018, 5:72

    (24) Chen J, Zhang J, Lin M, Wang Z, Zhang L, Chen F*. MGH: a genome hub for the medicinal plant maca (Lepidium meyenii). Database, 2018, bay113.

    (23) Yu C, Qiao G, Qiu W, Yu D, Zhou S, Shen Y, Yu G, Jiang J, Han X, Liu M, Zhang L, Chen F*, Chen Y*, Zhuo R*. Molecular breeding of water lily: engineering cold stress tolerance into tropical water lily. Horticulture Research2018, :73

    (22) Dong S, Zhao C, Chen F, Liu Y, Zhang S, Wu H, Zhang L*, Liu Y*. The      complete mitochondrial genome of the early flowering plant Nymphaea      colorata is highly repetitive with low recombination. BMC Genomics 19: 614.

    (21) u M#(Co-first), Chen F#(Co-first), Qi S, Zhang L, Wu S. Loss or duplication of key regulatory genes coincides with environmental adaptation of stomatal complex in Nymphaea colorata and Kalanchoe laxiflora. Horticulture Research 2018, 5: 42.

    (20) Dong W, Vannozzi A, Chen F, Liangsheng Zhang. MORC Domain Definition and Evolutionary Analysis of the MORC Gene Family in Green Plants . Genome Biology and Evolution 2018, 10:1730-1744

    (19) Chen F*, Zhang J, Chen J, Li X, Dong W, Hu J, Lin M, Liu Y, Wang Z, Zhang L*. realDB: a genome and transcriptome resource for the red algae (phylum Rhodophyta). Database doi:10.1093/database/bay072

    (18) Chen F, Hu Y, Vannozzi A, Wu K, Cai H, Qin Y, Mullis A, Lin Z, Zhang L*. The WRKY transcription factor family in model plants and crops. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2018. DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2018.1441103. ESI highly cited paper

    (17) Chen F, Zhang L, Lin Z, Cheng Z. Identification of a novel fused gene family implicates convergent evolution in eukaryotic calcium signaling. BMC Genomics. 2018. 19:306

    (16) Chen F, Dong W, Zhang J, Guo X, Chen J, Wang Z, Lin Z, Tang H, Zhang L. The sequenced angiosperm genomes and genome databases. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 2018. 9:418. 


    (15) Chen F, Liu X, Yu C, Chen Y, Tang H, Zhang L. Water lilies as emerging models for Darwin’s abominable mystery. Horticulture Research. 4,17051(2017)

    (14) Chen F, Zhang X, Liu X, Zhang L, Evolutionary analysis of MIKCc-type MADS-box genes in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 2017, 8: 895

    (13) Chen F, Zhang L, Cheng Z, The calmodulin fused kinase novel gene family is the major system in plants converting Ca2+ signals to protein phosphorylation responses. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 4127


    (12) Zhu K, Chen F, Chen X, Hewezi T, Cheng Z. Evolution of an intron-poor cluster of the CIPK gene family and expression in response to drought stress in soybean. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:28225

    (11) Liangsheng Zhang (Co-first), Chen F (Co-first), Guo-Qiang Zhang,      Yong-Qiang Zhang, Shance Niu, Jin-Song Xiong, Zhenguo Lin, Zong-Ming (Max)      Cheng, Zhong-Jian Liu. Origin and mechanism of crassulacean acid metabolism in orchids as implied by comparative transcriptomics and genomics of the carbon fixation pathway. The Plant Journal 2016, 86: 175-185.

    (10) GQ Zhang, … Chen F,… et al. The Dendrobium catenatum Lindl. genome sequence provides insights into polysaccharide synthase, floral development and adaptive evolution. Scientific Reports 6, 19029. ESI highly cited paper


    (9) Wang G, Lovato A, Liang Y, Wang M, Chen F, Tornielli GB, Polverari A, Validation by isolation and expression analyses of the mitogen-activated protein kinase gene family in the grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.) Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2014

    (8) Yinghai Liang, Bin Cai, Chen F, Gang Wang, Min Wang, Yan Zhong,      Zong-Ming (Max) Cheng. (2014) Construction and validation of a gene co-expression network in grapevine (Vitis vinifera. L.) Horticulture Research      1:14040

    (7) Liu J, Chen N, Chen F, Cai B, Dal Santo S, Tornielli G, Pezzotti M, and Cheng Z. (2014) Genome-wide analysis and expression profile of the bZIP transcription factor gene family in grapevine (Vitis vinifera). BMC Genomics, 15:281


    (6) Cai T, Ye X, Ma Y, Wang X, Chen F, Cheng Z. Over-expression of 1-aminocyclopropane-1carboxylic acid oxidase genes (ACO) from Vitis vinifera      in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and its effects on ethylene release rates Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 21(9):1037-1044 (2013)

    (5) Liang Y, Chen F, Wang G, Wang M, Feng G, Cheng ZM. Bioinformatics      identification, analysis of gene structure and expression characters on      lineage-specific genes of grapevine Journal of Nanjing Agriculturalersity University 36 (6): 19-24 (2013)

    (4) Chen F, Yin H, Liang Y, Cai B. Evolution of Calcium-dependent Protein Kinase Gene Family in Apple (Malus domestica) Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 2013, 25(9): 15-20.

    (3) Yin H, Cai B, Li C, Chen F. Genome-wide analysis of bHLH transcription factor family in grape. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 2013, 25(9): 1-6

    (2) [Meeting abstract] Zong-Ming Cheng, Chen F, Fasoli M, Tornielli GB, Dal Santo S, Pezzotti M, et al. (2013) The evolutionary history and diverse physiological roles of the grapevine calcium-dependent protein kinase gene family. HortScience, 48(9): S172-S172.

    (1) Chen F, Fasoli M, Tornielli GB, Dal Santo S, Pezzotti M, et al. (2013) The evolutionary history and diverse physiological roles of the grapevine calcium-dependent protein kinase gene family. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80818.

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