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2019.04-至今 海南大学热带作物学院,教授
2018.04-2019.03 海南大学热带农林学院,教授
2008.12-2018.03 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,教授
2005.08-2009.01 英国John Innes Centre, 博士后
2003.12-2004.12 英国John Innes Centre ,访问学者
1997.05-2008.11 华中科技大学生科院,助教、讲师、副教授
1. 水稻营养及逆境代谢组的遗传机制解析,海南省自然科学一等奖,排名:第一,2021年;
2. 全国先进工作者,2020;
3. 海南省先进工作者,2019年;
4. 湖北省第十六届自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖,排名:第一,2016年。
2、海南省重点研发计划项目,ZDYF2020066, 热带稻作资源精准鉴定评价和稻米营养品质关键基因挖掘及应用,2020-2022,81万,在研,主持;
7、国家自然科学基金重点项目,31530052,节律钟和光周期调控水稻代谢组及抽穗期的分子机理,2016- 2020,330万,已结题,主持;
1. Shen S, Zhan C, Yang C, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Metabolomics-centered mining of plant metabolic diversity and function: past decade and future perspectives. Mol Plant, 2022, (IF:21.949)
2. Cao K, Wang B, Fang W, Zhu G, Chen C, Wang X, Li Y, Wu J, Tang T, Fei Z, Luo J*, Wang L*. Combined nature and human selections reshaped peach fruit metabolome. Genome Biol, 2022, 23: 146(IF:17.906)
3. Zhan C#, Shen S#, Yang C, Liu Z, Fernie AR, Graham IA, Luo J*. Plant metabolic gene clusters in the multi-omics era. Trends Plant Sci, 2022(IF:22.012)
4. Zhou J#, Liu C#, Chen Q, Liu L, Niu S, Chen R, Li K, Sun Y, Shi Y, Yang C, Shen S, Li Y, Xing J, Yuan H, Liu X, Fang C, Fernie AR. Luo J*. Integration of rhythmic metabolome and transcriptome provides insights into the transmission of rhythmic fluctuations and temporal diversity of metabolism in rice. Sci China - Life Sci, 2022, 2022, 65(9)1794-1810 (IF:10.372)
5. Zhang F, Huang J, Guo H, Yang C, Li Y, Shen S, Zhan C, Qu L, Liu X, Wang S, Chen W, Luo J*. OsRLCK160 contributes to flavonoid accumulation and UV-B tolerance by regulating OsbZIP48 in rice. Sci China - Life Sci, 2022, 65(9), 1380-1394 (IF:10.372)
6. Fang H#, Shen S#, Wang D, Zhang F, Zhang C, Wang Z, Zhou Q, Wang R, Tao H, He F, Yang C, Peng M, Jing X, Hao Z, Liu X, Luo J*, Wang G*, Ning Y*. A monocot-specific hydroxycinnamoylputrescine gene cluster contributes to immunity and cell death in rice. Sci Bull, 2021, 66: 2381-2393. (IF:20.577)
7. Shen S#, Peng M#, Fang H, Wang Z, Zhou S, Jing X, Zhang M, Yang C, Guo H, Li Y, Lei L, Shi Y, Sun Y, Liu X, Xu C, Tohge T, Yuan M, Fernie AR, Ning Y, Wang G, Luo J*. An Oryza specific hydroxycinnamoyl tyramine gene cluster contributes to enhanced disease resistance. Sci Bull, 2021, 66(23): 2369-2380. (IF:20.577)
8. Wang S#, Xiao Y#, Zhou Z#, Yuan J#, Guo H#, Yang Z, Yang J, Sun P, Sun L, Deng Y, Xie W, Song J, Qamar MT, Xia W, Liu R, Gong S, Wang Y, Wang F, Liu X, Fernie AR, Wang X*, Fan H*, Chen L*, Luo J*. High-quality reference genome sequences of two coconut cultivars provide insights into evolution of monocot chromosomes and differentiation of fiber content and plant height. Genome Biol, 2021, 22: 304.(IF:17.906)
9. Yang C, Shen S, Zhou S, Li Y, Mao Y, Zhou J, Shi Y, An L, Zhou Q, Peng W, Lyu Y, Liu X, Chen W, Wang S, Qu L, Liu X, Femie AR, Luo J*. Rice metabolic regulatory network spanning its entire life cycle. Mol Plant, 2021, 15, 258-275. (IF:21.949)
10. Yuan H#, Cao G#, Hou X#, Huang M#, Du P#, Tan T, Zhang Y, Zhou H, Liu X, Liu L, Jiang F, Li Y, Liu Z, Fang C, Zhao L, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Development of a widely-targeted volatilomics method for profiling the volatilomes in plants. Mol Plant, 2021, 15:189-202. (IF:21.949)
11. Zhan C, Lei L, Liu Z, Shen Z, Yang C, Zhu X, Guo H, Zhang F, Peng M, Zhang M, Li Y, Yang Z, Sun Y, Shi Y, Li K, Liu L, Shen S, Wang X, Shao J, Jing X, Wang Z, Li Y, Czechowski T, Hasegewa M, Graham I, Tohge T, Qu L, Liu X, Fernie AR, Chen L, Yuan M, Luo J*. Selection of a subspecies-specific diterpene gene cluster implicated in rice disease resistance. Nat Plants, 2020, 6: 1447-1454. (IF:17.352)
12. Sun Y#, Shi Y#, Liu G, Yao F, Zhang Y, Yang C, Guo H, Liu X, Jin C*, Luo J*. Natural variation in the OsbZIP18 promoter contributes to branched‐chain amino acid levels in rice. New Phytol, 2020, 228: 1548-1558. (IF:10.323)
13. Zhang F, Guo H, Huang J, Yang C, Li Y, Wang X, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. A UV-B-responsive glycosyltransferase, OsUGT706C2, modulates flavonoid metabolism in rice. Sci China - Life Sci, 2020, 67: 1037-1052. (IF:10.372)
14. Zeng X#, Yuan H#, Dong X#, Peng M#, Jing X, Xu Q, Tang T, Wang Y, Zha S, Gao M, Li C, Shu C, Wei Z, Qimei W, Basang Y, Dunzhu J, Li Z, Bai L, Shi J, Zheng Z, Yu S, Fernie AR, Luo J*, Nyima T*. Genome-wide dissection of co-selected UV-B responsive pathway in the UV-B adaptation of qingke. Mol Plant, 2020, 13: 112-127. (IF:21.949)
15. Wang C, Alseekh H., Fernie AR* and Luo J*. The structure and function of major plant metabolite modifications. Mol Plant, 2019, 12: 899-919. (IF:21.949)
16. Li K, Wang D, Gong L, Lyu Y, Guo H, Chen W, Jin C, Liu X, Fang C*, Luo J*. Comparative analysis of metabolome of rice seeds at three developmental stages using a recombinant in bred line population. Plant J, 2019, 100: 908-922. (IF:7.091)
17. Jin C, Sun Y, Shi Y, Zhang Y, Chen K, Li K, Liu G, Yao F, Cheng D, Li J, Zhou J, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Branched-chain amino acids regulate plant growth by affecting the homeostasis of mineral elements in rice. Sci China Life Sci, 2019, 62: 1107-1110. (IF:10.372)
18. Fang C, Fernie AR* and Luo J*. Exploring the diversity of plant metabolism. Trends Plant Sci, 2019, 24: 83-98.(IF:22.012)
19. Fang C, Luo J*. Metabolic GWAS-based dissection of genetic bases underlying the diversity of plant metabolism. Plant J, 2019, 97: 91-100. (IF:7.091)
20. Fang C, Li K, Wu Y, Wang D, Zhou J, Liu X, Li Y, Jin C, Liu X, Jose Mur L A, Luo J*. OSTSD2-mediated cell wall modification affects ion homeostasis and salt tolerance. Plant Cell Environ, 2019, 42: 1503-1512. (IF:7.947)
21. Chen J#, Wang J#, Chen W, Sun W, Peng M, Yuan Z, Shen S, Xie K, Sun Y, Liu X, Fernie AR, Yu S* and Luo J*. Metabolome analysis of multi-connected biparental chromosome segment substitution line population. Plant Physiol, 2018, 178: 612-625. (IF:8.005)
22. Zhu G#, Wang S#, Huang A, Zhang S, Liao Q, Zhang C, Lin T, Peng M, Yang C, Cao X, Han X, Wang X, Knaap E, Zhang Z, Cui X, Klee H, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Huang S*. Rewiring of the fruit metabolome in tomato breeding. Cell, 2018, 172: 249-261. (IF:66.85)
23. Peng M#, Shahzad R#, Gul A#, Subthain H#, Shen S, Lei L, Zheng Z, Zhou J, Lu D, Wang S, Nishawy E, Liu X, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Differentially evolved glucosyltransferases determine natural variation of rice flavone accumulation and UV-tolerance. Nat Commun, 2017, 8, 1975. (IF:17.694)
24. Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J, Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals. Nat Commun, 2016, 7, 12767. (IF:17.694)
25. Peng M, Gao Y, Chen W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L, Wang S, Wan J, Liu X, Luo J*. Evolutionarily distinct BAHD N-acyltransferases are responsible for natural variation of aromatic amine conjugates in rice. Plant Cell, 2016, 28: 1533-1550. (IF:12.085)
26. Fang C, Zhang H, Wan J, Wu Y, Li K, Jin C, Chen W, Wang S, Wang W, Zhang H, Zhang P, Zhang F, Qu L, Liu X, Zhou D, Luo J*. Control of leaf senescence by a MeOH-jasmonates cascade that is epigenetically regulated by OsSRT1 in rice. Mol Plant, 2016, 9: 1366-1378. (IF:21.949)
27. Ewas M, Gao Y, Wang S, Liu X, Zhang H, Nishawy E, Ali F, Shahzad R, Ziaf K, Subthain H, Martin C, Luo J*. Manipulation of SlMXl for enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato. Sci Bull, 2016, 61(18): 1413-1418. (IF:20.577)
28. Luo J*. Metabolite-based genome-wide association studies in plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2015, 24: 31-38. (IF:9.396)
29. Dong X, Gao Y, Chen W, Wang W, Gong L, Liu X, Luo J*. Spatiotemporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice. Mol Plant, 2015, 8: 111-121. (IF:21.949)
30. Chen W, Gao Y, Xie W, Gong L, Lu K, Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Dong H, Zhang W, Zhang L, Yu S, Wang G, Lian X*, Luo J*. Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism. Nat Genet, 2014, 46: 714-721. (IF:41.307)
31. Wen W, Li D, Li X, Gao Y, Li W, Li H, Liu J, Liu H, Chen W, Luo J*, Yan J*. Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights. Nat Commun, 2014, 5: 3438-3447. (IF:17.694)
32. Gong L, Chen W, Gao Y, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu C, Yu S, Zhang Q*, Luo J*. Genetic analysis of the metabolome exemplified using a rice population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110: 20320-20325. (IF:12.779)
33. Chen W, Gong L, Guo Z, Wang W, Zhang H, Liu X, Yu S, Xiong L, Luo J*. A novel integrated method for large-scale detection, identification, and quantification of widely targeted metabolites: application in the study of rice metabolomics. Mol Plant, 2013, 6: 1769-1780. (IF:21.949)
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