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    2022年11月10日 02:26




聂立孝教授,主要研究方向为作物轻简化和绿色高产高效栽培,近5年主持国家自然科学基金面上和地区项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、海南省重大项目和海南省重点研发计划项目等7项。在Advances in Agronomy、Field Crops Research、Agricultural Water Management等本专业国际权威杂志发表论文90 余篇,所发表 SCI 论文的h-指数为34,以第一完成人获得授权国家发明专利5项,获得省科技进步奖一等奖1项。于2019和2020年连续两年入选全球农艺学 Top100高产作者;2022年入选 Research.com 公布的中国植物科学与农学顶尖科学家。此外,申请人还担任《Tropical Plants》副主编、《热带生物学报》副主编,作物栽培学领域中科院一区期刊《Field Crops Research》编委,《Scientific Reports》编委,《Crop and Environment》编委。







1. Wang W, He A, Jiang G, Sun H, Jiang M, Man J, Cui K, and Nie L*. 2020. Ratoon Rice Technology: A Green and Resource-Efficient Way for Rice Production. Advances in Agronomy, 159:135-167.(IF5年平均:8.792,中科院一区)

2. Jin Z, Zhang L, Liu H, andNie L*. 2021. Energy assessment of different rice–wheat rotation systems. Food and Energy Security, 00:e284.(IF5年平均:8.330,中科院一区)

3. Jin Z, Shah T, Zhang L, Liu H, Peng S, andNie L*. 2020. Effect of straw returning on soil organic carbon in rice–wheat rotation system: A review. Food and Energy Security, 9(2):e200.(IF5年平均:8.330,中科院一区)

4. Nie L, Liu H, Zhang L, Wang W. 2020. Enhancement in rice seed germination via improved respiratory metabolism under chilling stress. Food and Energy Security, 9(4):e234.(IF5年平均:8.330,中科院一区)

5. Liu H, He A, Jiang G, Hussain S, Wang W, Sun H, Jiang M, andNie L*. 2020. Faster leaf senescence after flowering in wet direct-seeded rice was mainly regulated by decrease in cytokinin content as compared with transplanted-flooded rice. Food and Energy Security, 9(4):e232.(IF5年平均:8.330,中科院一区)

6. Tariq S, Fazal M, Roberto D, andNie L*. 2020. Lead toxicity induced phytotoxic impacts on rapeseed and clover can be lowered by biofilm forming lead tolerant bacteria. Chemosphere, 246: 125766.(IF5年平均:6.956,中科院二区)

7. Song S, He A, Zhao T, Yin Q, Mu Y, Wang Y,Nie L*. 2022. Effects of shading at different growth stages with various shading intensities on the grain yield and anthocyanin content of colored rice (Oryza sativa L.). Field Crops Research, 283, 108555.(IF5年平均:6.190,中科院一区)

8. He A, Jiang M,Nie L*, Sun H, Chen L, Man J. 2022. A preliminary study of‘Tidy Field Technology’to assess growth, development and weed control in direct-seeded rice. Field Crops Research, 277: 108408.(IF5年平均:6.190,中科院一区)

9. He A, Wang W, Jiang G, Sun H, Jiang M, Man J, Cui K., Huang J, Peng S, andNie L*. 2019. Source-sink regulation and its effects on the regeneration ability of ratoon rice. Field Crops Research, 236: 155-164.(IF5年平均:6.190,中科院一区)

10. Nie L, Song SK, Yin Q, Zhao TC, Liu H, He A, Wang W*. 2022. Enhancement in Seed Priming-Induced Starch Degradation of Rice Seed Under Chilling Stress via GA-Mediatedα-Amylase Expression. Rice, 15:19.(IF5年平均:5.230,中科院一区)

11. He A, Yuan B, Jin Z, Man J, Peng S, Zhang L, Liu H, andNie L*. 2021. Comparative study on annual yield, water consumption, irrigation water use efficiency and economic benefits of different rice-oilseed rape rotation systems in Central China. Agricultural Water Management, 247:106741.(IF5年平均:5.120,中科院一区)


(1)聂立孝,彭少兵,黄见良,崔克辉.水稻“一种两收”全程机械化高产高效栽培技术. ZL 201310521643.6

(2)聂立孝,王慰亲,刘宏岩,陶冶.一种提高旱直播水稻渍水胁迫下发芽率的种子处理方法. ZL 201510027475.4

(3)聂立孝,彭少兵,黄见良,崔克辉.一种旱直播水稻高产高效栽培技术. ZL 201310409890.7

(4)聂立孝,梅俊豪.一种促进湿直播水稻淹水条件下一播全苗的种子丸粒化方法. ZL 201610060639.8

(5)聂立孝,王慰亲.一种提高直播早稻低温胁迫下出苗率的种子处理方法. ZL 201610013766.2








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