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    2022年07月22日 10:35





阮云泽,海南大学教授、农学博士、中国农业农村部科学施肥专家组成员、海南省受污染耕地治理技术专家组首席专家、中国植物营养学会生物与有机肥料专业委员会副主任、中国土壤学会土壤肥力与肥料专业委员会委员,国家重要热带作物工程技术研究中心,特聘研究员。主持国家基金面上项目2项,地区基金1项,“974”子课题1项,农业部课题2项,海南省耕地改良重大专项1项,横向项目20多项,以第一作者或通讯作者在Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Plant Soil、European Journal of Soil Biology等国内外主流刊物上发表论文40余篇,国家授权发明专利3项,主编教材1部,获省部级


1. Zongzhuan Shen,Yunze Ruan, Chao Xue, Shutang Zhong, Rong Li, Qirong Shen. Soils naturally suppressive to banana Fusarium wilt disease harbor unique bacterial communities. Plant Soil,2015.393,21-33.

2. Beibei Wang, Rong Li,Yunze Ruan, Yannan Ou, Yan Zhao, Qirong Shen. Pineapple-banana rotation reduced the amount of Fusarium oxysporum more than maize-banana rotation mainly through modulating fungal communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 86 (2015)77-86.

3. Zongzhuan Shen,Yunze Ruan, Beibei Wang, Shutang Zhong, Lanxi Su, Rong Li, Qirong Shen.. Effect of biofertilizer for suppressing Fusarium wilt disease of banana as well as enhancing microbial and chemical properties of soil under greenhouse trial. Applied Soil Ecology 93 (2015) 111–119.

4. Beibei Wang, Jun Yuan, Jian Zhang, Zongzhuan Shen, Maoxing Zhang, Rong Li,Yunze Ruan*, Qirong Shen. Effects of novel bioorganic fertilizer produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens W19 on ntagonism of Fusarium wilt of banana. Biology and Fertility of Soils,2013.9:435–446

5. Zongzhuan Shen,Yunze Ruan, Xue Chao, Jian Zhang, Rong Li, Qirong Shen. Rhizosphere microbial community manipulated by 2 years of consecutive biofertilizer application associated with banana Fusarium wilt disease suppression. Biology and Fertility ofSoils July 2015, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 553-562.

6. Zongzhuan Shen, Beibei Wang, Nana Lv, Yifei Sun, Xinyi Jiang, Rong Li,Yunze Ruan*, qirong Shen. Effect of the combination of bio-organic fertiliser with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6 on the control of banana Fusarium wilt disease,crop production and banana rhizosphere culturable microflora.Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2015, 25, 6: 716–731.

7. Lanxi Su , ,Yunze Ruan,* , Xiujuan Yang , Kang Wang 1 , Rong Li,Qirong Shen. Suppression on plant-parasitic nematodes using a soil fumigation strategy based on ammonium biocarbonate and its effects on the nematode community, Scientific Reports, 2015,155:1-12.

8. Lanxi Su , Zongzhuan Shen ,Yunze Ruan* , Chengyuan Tao , Yifan Chao , Rong Li *and Qirong.ShenIsolation of Antagonistic Endophytesfrom Banana Roots againstMeloidogyne javanica and TheirEffects on Soil Nematode Community,Front. Microbiology,2017,8,1~11.

9. Lanxi Su, Zongzhuan Shen, Yannan Ou , Chengyuan Tao ,Yunze Ruan*, Rong Li ,Qirong Shen.Novel soil fumigation strategy suppressed plant-parasitic nematodesassociated with soil nematode community alterations in the field.Applied Soil Ecology,2017,121:135-142

10. Shan Hong, Hongling Jv, Ming Lu, Beibei Wang, Yan Zhao,Yunze Ruan*.Significant decline in banana Fusarium wilt disease is associated with soil microbiome reconstruction under chilli pepper-banana rotation.European Journal of Soil Biology.2020,103154

11. Pingshan Fan , Chaoyuan Lai , Jinming Yang , Shan Hong , Yue Yang , Qing Wang , Beibei Wang ,Rongping Zhang , Zhongjun Jia , Yan Zhao* &Yunze Ruan*,Crop rotation suppresses soil-borne Fusarium wilt of banana and alters microbial communities. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,2020,1839058.

12. Shuang Li, Diwen Chen, Cong Wang, Dan Chen, Qing Wang* (2020) Reduced nitrification by biochar and/or nitrification inhibitor is closely linked with the abundance of comammox Nitrospira in a highly acidic sugarcane soil. Biology and fertility of soils,2020 ,56, 1219–1228.

13. Qihua Wu, Shuang Li, Zhongxing Huang, Qing Wang*(2020)Variations in soil bacterial communities and putative functions in a sugarcane soil following five years of chemical fertilization. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI:10.1080/03650340.2020.1752916.

14.Tingyu Li , Xiuyang Hong , Shuoran Liu, Xiaoqiao Wu, Shan Fu , Ye Liang, Jinghua Li , Ran Li , Chong Zhang, Xiaotong Song, Hongwei Zhao, Dengfeng Wang , Fengliang Zhao f, Yunze Ruan , Xiaotang Ju.Cropland degradation and nutrient overload on Hainan Island: A review and synthesis,Environmental Pollution,2022.120100.

15.Shan Hong , Hongling Jv , Xianfu Yuan , Jianjian Geng , Beibei Wang , Yan Zhao , Qing Wang , Rong Li , Zhongjun Jia ,* and Yunze Ruan*.Soil Organic Nitrogen Indirectly Enhances Pepper-Residue-Mediated Soil Disease Suppression through Manipulation of Soil Microbiom,Agronomy,2022,12092077


周维杰,阮云泽.一种芒果吊果装置[P].实用新型专利,CN212786857U,2021-03-26 已授权.


阮云泽(个人排名11)经济作物抑病型土壤微生物区系调控技术创建与应用,神农中华农业科技一等奖 ,海南大学(排名第2),2019.12

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